Sunday, May 15, 2022

Faction Wars! What we may expect based on Mecha Galaxy

by Lykos, ID: 18321

With the new Birthday celebration coming, we have had a hint from On High that let us know of a new type of League War we will be seeing very soon: Faction Wars!

Those of us who play Chef's "Mecha Galaxy" Game are somewhat familiar with the concept, and I am sure Nick will be bringing many of those concepts to the Heroes Rising version. This article will give you a run down of how the War works over on MG, to give you an idea of what to expect here in HR.
The most important difference is the number of toons you will be allowed to have in a league.

Currently it is 12, with only the top 6 counting towards your LW average levels. Nick has already given us an early clue that the MINIMUM numbers of toons in a Faction will be about 20-25. That is the MINIMUM. not the Maximum.

In MG, the maximum is 44, I think. I would guess we are looking at a similar number here, but that has not been confirmed. The first 20 Pilots count toward the average levels in MG. If Nick places us at a similary max size, I would expect a similar average level threshhold here.

"BUT MY CURRENT LEAGUE!! I will have to leave it and even dismantle it to join up to a new one that is larger!!"

Yes, you are right. There will be a "Snapshot" taken of the leagues before the war is announced. At the time of announcement, all the leagues can then disband and reform as a Faction. After the war, all the leagues will revert to their original "Snapshot" taken before the war. So once we are in Faction Wars, dont bother trying to upgrade or do anything to your league, it wont count and will revert back. That means that any league you were a member of previously, you will automatically get sucked back into. All good.

One person forms a new league or starts inviting people to their existing league. From there, they work to gather as many people as they can, at least to the Minimum and as many as the maximum will let them, to join their Faction War League. Luckily, a large number of Leagues are already a part of larger groups, such as Avengers, Claymores, 5th Precinct, etc. Those larger groups will now be able to join up as one or even two. It will be interesting to see if League HQ come into the mix here, as we don't have them in MG. Will HQ powers be turned off for the Faction War? Will they be turned on, and be an advantage for the league that has built theirs up AND gather people to them? It would certainly be a good advertisement to say, "Hey, come here, we have fully built X, Y, and Z buildings".

Smaller Leagues that don't have an affiliation? I bet you are at least friends with others that are in the same boat. Some League groups may only have 2 teams, and therefore need more members to qualify for the 20-25 minimum. You will probably get lots of time to shuffle around and get your factions ready, so dont panic.

These Factions will be an interesting test of how well everyone can work together. Most of us are used to working with just the 7-12 people in our leagues. Now we will need to communicate across larger groups. The leader needs to be much more willing to speak up and let people know the plan. Factions can fall apart on miscommunication.

So buckle up kids, it is going to be a great roller coaster of a ride! And maybe, just maybe... we can get a Chaos War next!! Ooooo So Exciting!