Thursday, May 19, 2022

ORIGIN STORY: Hard Left Hook

ID: 27350

Just a bad assed mug from the Land Down Under with an MP infused hook for a hand. I used to be a boxer by the name of Lefty Liebowitcher because I was pure magic in the ring. No one could touch me, and I was rising through the ranks fast . . . maybe too fast. Some people took exception. I was all set for my big breakout fight onto the main stage of Boxing . . . that is, until the accident which gave me this. (*indicates left hand*)

Sure, everyone "says" it was a freak accident, but was it? Really? Feeling whoozy just before tripping and falling in front of a street cleaner? I couldn't even sue because they said I was drunk even though I hadn't touched a drop. With no further fighting prospects, it was a long and slow slide into obscurity from there.

I was almost out on the streets without a dime to my name when these burning motes of light surrounded my hook. An intense burst of pain, a blackout of indeterminant length . . . whether from the pain or the booze . . . and I awoke to someone going through my pockets. Yelling and thrashing as I came to, I struck them in the face. A flash of light, and they were thrown 20 feet or more into the nearest wall with a broken neck. I "am-scrayed" into the shadows and have been this way ever since. Call me Hard Left Hook from now on.

Seems these magic particle thingies are part and parcel of these extra-dimensional freakish monsters and the traitorous scum siding with them. Well, I ain't going down without a fight and my powers seem to be increasing Size & Strength, Fire and now Ice. So, I joined up with some chums off the streets just as weird as me to kick some monster bum. We're the Super Freaks baby, and we're coming for ya!

Update : I seem to have been adopted by a stray black cat whom I call Ka'att. I think he's absorbed some of those magic particle thingies too. Every now and then he transforms into some kind of energy creature to attack my foes. Ya know, some days, life is still good. ;)