Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts Presents: "A Point Well Taken"

Player ID: 10950

Just how much is a Skill Point worth? Well, 1st, let's recap how much you get, factoring in diminishing returns, from the original orientation lesson. If you haven't read the orientation or other Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts lessons, you might want to do that before continuing on. Those lessons can be found here: The Hanzo Ninja Clan
School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts

Level 1 to 20: 1 Skill Point = 0.5% stat multiplier

Level 21 to 164: 1 Skill Point = 0.33% stat multiplier

Level 165 to 465: 1 Skill Point = 0.25% stat multiplier

Level 465 to ????: 1 Skill Point = 0.20% stat multiplier

Now, the chart above is ONLY for the Attack, Defense, and Move stats. As you can see, the more points you have in a stat, the less return you get from adding more. This might be enough for many players to help them decide where to put their points, but what about those trying to eek out every point and edge they can? How do they determine exactly where they're going to squeeze out the most effect?

Let's look at a real player's SP allotment to get an idea.

Player One

Att: 17% (0.33% per additional SP)

Def: 17% (0.33% per additional SP)

Move: 150% (0.20% per additional SP)

Now, we need to ungear our toon completely, leaving only his/her cards. Then we take those numbers and determine just how much Dodge and Precision any 1 point will give us. We'll use simple numbers to make this as easy as we can. So let's say, ungeared, our hero's stats are as follows.

Att: 1,000,000

Def: 1,000,000

Move: 4,000,000

By taking the Stat Multiplier from SP, adding 100% to the total, since you have to count the value of the cards even without SP multipliers, you get 117 for both Att and Def, and 250 for Move. Now we divide our stats by these new numbers.

Att: 1,000,000/117 = 8,547

Def: 1,000,000/117 = 8,547

Move: 4,000,000/250 = 16,000

Now, PLEASE NOTE, these are example numbers. Yours will be different. So apply your numbers.

Now, what happens when we add a SP to one stat or another? How do we determine how much we're moving our numbers? Well, if you multiply the stat by the % a new SP would give you get your answer. 1 SP in each of the above stats, for example would look like:

Att: 8,547 x 0.33= 2,820.5

Def: 8,547 x 0.33= 2,820.5

Move: 16,000 x 0.20= 3,200

This is PRIOR to adding gear multipliers.

Now, in our 1st lesson, I discussed how Precision was a combination of Move and Att, and Dodge was a combination of Move and Def. Precision helps you hone in on and target your opponent better, allowing you to land hits. Dodge allows you to avoid your opponent's hits. But how much so does each SP affect those 2 attributes? Let's take a look. We'll use 2 SP in each example, since that is how many a level up awards you.

2 SP in Att:

2,820.5 + 2,820.5=

5,641 added to Precision

2 SP in Def:

2,820.5 + 2,820.5=

5,641 added to Dodge

1 SP in Att and 1 SP in Move:

2,820.5 + 3,200=

6,020.5 added to Precision

0 + 3,200=

3,200 added to Dodge

1 SP in Def and 1 SP in Move:

2,820.5 + 3,200=

6,020.5 added to Dodge

0 + 3,200=

3,200 added to Precision

2 SP in Move:

3,200 + 3,200=

6,400 added to Dodge

3,200 + 3,200=

6,400 added to Precision

As you can see, in this particular scenario, adding both SP to Move increases both Dodge and Precision by more than if you were to add SP in any other combination. Now, this answer is specific to this scenario. Plugging in your numbers may end up with different results.

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