Tuesday, May 3, 2022

LW13 Fan-fiction Competition by Crossroads

LW13 Fan-fiction Competition
LW13, Desert Survival - Round 3 Preparations
By Crossroads, ID 11004
Crossroads closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose between two fingers. Suddenly she felt her nose start to twitch and she covered it with both hands, once again promising doom upon the Easter Bunny. Her nose and ears still haven’t stopped twitching, although the frequency was much less.
She gave a big sigh and muttered, “I don’t even know why I’m watching these battles anymore.”
Crossroads had been spending the time between rounds studying the past battles between her and her opponents. Some are from League Wars past, but most of them are from the Fight Club archives. She was able to use what she learned about some of their battle tactics against them in the first two rounds. Her league, 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops ᴸ&ᴰ✵ was able to handily defeat ★♕The mayors gym♕★ in Round One and ꆜƗŇŦØ ŦĦ€ ĐΔŘҜŇ€ŞŞꆜ in Round Two.
This actually surprised her because she had not expected to be facing these two leagues in the League War. In the past it has been mainly some incarnation of Avengers 5¹ and ★♕VILLAINS INC.DVS♕★ that they faced. Crossroads, and her league mates, had to do some last minute cramming on their opponents before the matches started.
Luckily, Bartman had all the videos of the ★♕The mayors gym♕★ queued up and ready to study the day before Round One, so they were at least somewhat prepared for them. It still surprised her how much their own members improved since the last League War only a few months ago. They were able to beat them 153-30. Similarly, with minimal preparation they were able to soundly defeat ꆜƗŇŦØ ŦĦ€ ĐΔŘҜŇ€ŞŞꆜ by an overwhelming 137-8.
But Round Three was going to be an entirely different story. It didn’t seem to matter how much she reviewed the battle tapes; she could see no way to win against their final opponent in this League War. ][][ WMD - Black Order. The Kings of the Mountain. The Perpetual Champions. Crossroads had been barely able to remain conscious until the end of the round last League War.
Crossroads knew that she was in one of the most powerful leagues in BADGE. She knew that she had made a name fore herself as a powerful hero and frequently topped the Fight Clubs. But there was a definite difference in being one of the most powerful leagues or a powerful hero and being in ][][ WMD - Black Order. They were the elite, and while there were heroes who were not part of ][][ WMD - Black Order, and who could stand toe-toe with many of their members, Crossroads knew she was not of that caliber and didn’t know how she could break into that rarefied strata of greatness.
All she could do was try. She prepared herself with deep meditation, maximizing the connection and control to all of her varied Morphon powers. While Crossroads was best known for her ability to form and manipulate portals, they weren’t her only powers. She just may be able to surprise one or two of them this time around. Well, at least she could always hope!

