Friday, May 27, 2022

Corrupt Magic Avatar Update by Madam Marvelous


"When I got the message from you that it was time to hit the books, I thought you meant we were going to be studying up for the next League Wars," I said to my teammate, Wyldfyre. I couldn't believe my own eyes as I watched the gathered heroes fighting an enormous book, glowing with energy. "What's the WHAT?"

"This ain't the time to talk, kid," Wyldfyre said with incendiary glee in his voice. "We've got a good ole' fashion book burning going on. We need to lite it up before it gets another spell off."

I nodded to him as I shifted into my elemental flame body and charged in. Had this been an average, everyday book, it would have been cinders as soon as I touched it. Yeah, I was burning that hot. Unfortunately, infused Morphon Avatar tomes seemed to be made with asbestos pages. I was charring it, but not instantly disintegrating it. 

The spell it had been channeling went off, and I found myself flung across the building and into a cement wall. The impact forced me back into my superhero form as bells rang in my ears. "That book has one hard cover."

All around me, heroes used their various abilities to attack the levitating book surrounded by motes of Morphon energy. I'd helped collect the crystals growing around the world that Dr. Henderson used to try to wake one of the Avatars. Judging the book by its altered color and violent nature, I don't think her experiment went exactly as planned.

The more advance heroes had fought alongside of us at first, but for some reason, they defeated their objective before us 'lesser' heroes. Now, they could be seen searching the nearby rubble collecting trinkets. Many of them complained that they expected to get more out of defeating such a magically powerful being, while others sauntered around showing off their newly found Sidekicks or Equipment.

A hero I wasn't particularly familiar with, Villains Inc Raid God, posed for photographs and offered autographs to others. He took particular mirth in having done more measurable damage than Midgardsormr, which I'm sure wasn't going to sit well with my training mentor. ViRG didn't hit as hard as the World Serpent, but he struck frequently. Nearly four times as many. I think he might have had some ninja training. BADGE scientists were immediately on scene tabulating some of the damage results. Being as the Corrupted Avatar was awakened on BADGE territory, it didn't take them long to start getting readings.

I found a page of paper in the rubble around me. I read the documentation on the higher level fight results.

Hero   Damage   Hits

★♕ villains inc raid god ♕★2,851,677 -- 7933  = 360/hit

Miðgarðsormr    1,594,234--1676♦ = 951/hit

Magnificent punlork♦    1,315,331--1670=787/hit

][☣][ §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][☣][    1,011,903--1218=831/hit

Αρχαία ΟλυμπίαOlympia666.Skynett    816,898--2483=328/hit

Secret Asian Man    811,419--3549

♦ Will Smith ♦    765,203--1380

ֆȶɨռӄʄɨʂȶ    720,969--1420

][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][    713,693--828

♦ The Gentleman 5¹ ♦   695,843--923

"Quick laying there reading and get back to work. This book isn't going to shelve itself," Wyldfyre snapped at me. 

"Give a girl a second," I said as I stood up. Flawless pressed the attack to the book, doing his best to secure his dominance in the lower division of heroes. The Postman also worked hard to deliver a win for us, knocking more than twice against the magical adversaries defenses. Other heroes attacked as well, doing their very best to combat the threat we accidentally created. "Look at it. It's glowing pink now. It was orange. What does that mean?"

"It's vulnerable to mental attacks, I think," Flawless replied.

"Why? What makes you say that?" I asked.

"That's what color they are in comic books."

I rolled my eyes and tried to think of a form to best use to attack the tome mentally. I was a shapeshifter. What form could I turn into in order to fight this Avatar? A big brain? Could I become dream energy?

"Come on people, we need to put this book down," Wyldfyre shouted.

And I had my answer. I moved into earshot of the floating spellbook. "You're horrible. Whoever wrote you had no idea what they were doing, and those runes on your cover, they look like they were drawn using an infants poop."

The book's pages flared and rippled. It hear me.

"How many beautiful trees died to make you? I bet whole forests were killed to make your pages. Well, let me tell you, it was a huge waste. You'd make better firewood than fireballs right now. You're all dry and crinkly. I can see one good pull at a string in your spine would tear you to shreds. Tell you what, let me get close enough and I'll give you a good yank."

Turning so its pages faced me, I could tell I had it on the ropes with the help of other heroes fighting alongside of me.

"That's right. Open wide, you overrated diary. More like Dia-rhea!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to overcome the sounds of other attacks being thrown at the Avatar. "Kids in my school write better stuff on the bathroom stall doors than you have inside of you."

The telepaths and other mental attackers were making headway. The blasts of energy that shoved us aside became less powerful and less frequent. The tome began to hover closer to the floor.

"The only thing you're good for is leveling tables. Just give up already. Can't you tell your story is almost over and you're about to get a new library to get put away in. The prison library!" I pointed at the wavering tome and laughed. I might not be able to attack it with psychokinetic or telepathic powers, but I still could do what any other teenage girl could do. I played mind games with it.

With a loud clap, the book finally dropped to the ground and went lifeless. The bright motes of color faded and dissipated into nothingness. Wyldfyre stepped up beside me, a confused look on his face. "What were you doing shouting at that P.o.S. piece of garbage at the end?"

I looked at him and grinned. "It's was just a book in the end, but books are made up of paper and words. I left torching the paper to you, but I figured I would try to bring it as much pain as possible to help make it submit."

"By yammering at it?" 

"Of course. Don't you know that words can hurt?" I made my way over to the BADGE scientists, checked over their findings, and brought one of their clipboards over to Wyldfyre. "See. Here's proof."
