Monday, May 16, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Strange Allies Part 1

 Nova stood before the grand monitors on the station with Agent Justin and Gar at his side. Dozens of news services were displaying stories from across the planet. Many were talking about protest marches in major cities.

“Enhance and unmute screen seventeen.” Nova ordered.

One of the smaller screens expanded and came alive with sound. A serious-looking man spoke to the camera from his desk. “I’m Jack Nickleby for the International News Network, and this is At This Hour and my guest today is a correspondent with the News Sentinel, Mr. Chaz Hamilton. Thank you for coming on our program today, Chaz.”

Chaz fidgeted with his lapel mic for a moment and then answered. “Hello, Jack, I’m more than happy to be here.”

“Mr. Hamilton, the current situation across the world is that of confusion. People aren’t sure if we can trust superheroes or BADGE. In some cities, we’re seeing protests against the World Corps. In other cities, they’re in solidarity with the World Corps position against BADGE, and there are even those who are against all superheroes, even those employed by the World Corps.”

Chaz nodded, “I agree. Everyone has been driven into a state of confusion by conflicting information. However, history has shown that the most heinous people have risen to power through inflicting confusion. Propaganda is a powerful tool in the hands of both good and evil people.”

“I agree, Mr. Hamilton. Since you work more directly with BADGE, I was hoping you might provide us with a clearer picture of what Director Nova is doing right now and what he means to accomplish by these attacks on major cities.”

“Now, hold on a moment, Jack. You imply that Director Nova is behind these attacks. That has not been proven by anyone. In fact, I can say that BADGE has been against these incursions at every instance.”

“Are you trying to tell our viewers that Nova and BADGE are not behind the attacks on Washington and Pretoria?”

Chaz nodded again. “That is exactly what I want your viewers to know. Heroes sent by BADGE stopped these attacks, at substantial costs, I might add.”

“Then who would you say is behind this? We know for certain that the most recent attack was conducted by a man who wore a BADGE insignia.”

“Well, Jack, anyone can slap on a pin and call themselves the president, but that doesn’t mean they are. I believe people are too soon to forget the atrocities conducted by the organization calling itself the World Corps. They were kidnapping children and abducting people when this attack was launched. I have it on good authority that the World Corps was behind both attacks as a means of enacting their own ploy.”

“And just what would that ploy be?”

“I don't have all the information about that, but I can say that this ploy would not be for our benefit. That is for certain.”

Jack gave off a warm smile. “Now, Mr. Hamilton, I can hardly believe your opinions are not without bias. Isn’t the News Sentinel just another extension of BADGE’s own propaganda?”

“Wait, no. We work with BADGE and are often the first to get information about the goings on of the heroes and BADGE. However, we are an independent news service.”

“Sure, then has the News Sentinel informed the world of the true identity of the attacker of Pretoria?”

Chaz tensed up, “we...don’t have that information.”

Jack held up a tablet with a photos of Agent Torrin in uniform as a BADGE security officer and as the transformed villain. “One of BADGE’s own documented heroes was the villain who attacked Pretoria. That does not look good on their part, and on the part of the Sentinel who seems to have either been left in the dark on this damning evidence, or covered it up.”

“The News Sentinel is not in the habit of covering up crimes of anyone!”

Jack said, “then you’ll admit the Sentinel was ignorant, and that BADGE attempted to use that ignorance to cover their crimes?”

Chaz stood up, plucked the mic off his blazer, and walked off the set.

Nova swiped a hand in the air and the robot muted the screen before the host could respond to that. “I knew Mr. Hamilton shouldn’t have been on that program.”

“But you cleared him?” Justin said.

“I don’t have that authority. All I did was say I agreed it might be helpful. Now, I realize it was a mistake. The media is out for sensationalism, and we’re their targets. We have to get this under control.”

Justin picked up a computer tablet and checked it over. “We have heroes across the world still active, but in secret. They aren’t stopping their work just because the World Corps has turned the public opinion against us.”

Nova let out a calming sigh, “well put, Justin. I have always hated politics. I worked in secret because I never wanted to worry about public image and political opinions. Small-minded people arguing with each other over their petty power struggles never really accomplish much but annoyance.”

A robot announced, “Incoming Message: IboShin Gu.”

“Put it through.”

Another window opened with IboShin Gu holding several large crystal points. “Director, I have a strange situation.”


“I was checking on one of the crystal deposits and found that its growth was more than double what I expected. Plus, I’m seeing more shards growing in various places near the deposit. These crystals grow fast...but this is strange.”

“Bring them to a nearby BADGE facility for analysis and monitor this.”

“Understood.” The screen went blank.

Gar asked, “what do you think this is about?”

“I don’t know. Could be nothing. I’m more concerned with what the World Corps is up to through all this bad publicity.”

Delta strode through a corridor on a hidden base. In his hand, he held a rather large specimen of the

crystals that grow around Earth. He stopped at the end of the hall and flashed his key card to open a top-secret door.

Inside the room sat Alpha with Beta and Gamma on the screen behind her.

Beta looked up from his office at the UN. “Delta, where have you been? This meeting is half over.”

“I’m busy. I doubt you’ve said anything that I needed to worry about.”

Alpha shot him a severe look. “Everything about our plans concerns all of us. This is no small task we’re in the middle of.”

Delta sank into a chair and plopped his feet up on the table. “Global domination is never a minor job. Now, what are we talking about?”

Beta sternly stated, “I was in the middle of my report about the situation at the UN. I have the committees all tied up in useless discussions. The representatives are all in my back pocket. They’re so grateful for my help in exposing the true villain, BADGE, that they trust everything I say.”

“Good.” Delta stated.

Gamma said, “I just arrived at our programming facility. We have over ten thousand soldiers ready for deployment at a moment’s notice.”

Alpha said, “very good. We need to hold back for a little while. Let the fear and panic fester. Once it dies down, we’ll strike again, and this time we will move to the first part of our ultimate plan.”
