Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Origin Story : Macaia's Daughter

Macaia's Daughter ◄[RD]►
ID: 10890

So, you want to know my story? About how I came into this strange and dangerous realm with my friends, all to look for our missing colleague? We had one crazy ride but it ended sucessfully... and I've gotten to meet some amazing and terrifying people on top of things. Got to see my friend, slash, idol, Krystal again, meet up again with Burning Daylight... we decided to stay here for a while since this place has been under so much threat, from the Legion to a power-mad Mythic to these clowns pretending to have the world's interest at heart...

Oh wait, you mean before then? A bit odd that you'd want to know about that other realm, considering it was destroyed in Ea-geddon several years back. I was younger then, probably naïve, and when I first got there it was scary as heck. You see, I was trapped there but luckily so was my godpa and his friend and we were able to link up to help wherever we could, while searching for our way home...

Ah, home. I'm sorry. That's what you're looking for, huh. My origin, origin. Well...

Picture it, the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Eastern Peru. It seems forever ago, and I guess it really was. I was a child. A real child. So my mother, well essentially she had embedded a spirit of a forest goddess, and I had no idea that people could inherit special abilities or the like. I was a regular 6-year-old girl. I don't recall the exact specifics, you'll have to ask my mom or godpa about it... but it happened so fast. I was alone and had just seen my mother kidnapped by monsters. Giant stone-like beasts that could blast you with rocks or transform into crunching bounders... they came for me.

[Rosa pauses, holding her mouth in her hands and squeezing her eyelids tightly. When she reopens them, her face is more relaxed but one could still sense the terror in her eyes]

I had never been so frightened. My godpa says he saw my body glow bright red, then the beasts were hurled telekinetically in all directions.

So yes, my abilities are mentallic in nature and cover telekinesis and even some mind-reading and mind-manipulation. I'm more able to use my mental abilities on other humans than animals or other lifeforms, which I'm told is a bit of an anomaly. But, my mother pointed out that if I was to take on heroic duties like her, I'd need a whole lot more.

So I trained. Took up martial arts. Learned some weaponry skills. Trained my mind to become stronger and more resilient. So far, so good. No, I can't shoot fireballs or punch a guy into the next town, but I think my abilities have been useful thus far. Sadly it didn't help with the whole Trailene thing but believe me, if I get a chance to see her again, I won't hesitate to bring her to justice.

[Rosa winks, then throws up one of those peace-signs you would associate with a manga character. She then shrugs.]

And that, is my story. The Daughter of Macaia.

[We ask Rosa if she'd ever considered an identity of her own. She chuckles to herself, then shakes her head.]

Perhaps one day. For now though, I am more than proud to be the daughter of the most amazing mother one could ask for, and continue her legacy as best as I can.