Wednesday, October 7, 2020

A Red Moon Rises

A red moon rises over the world this month of Halloween. This is a signal to all those who thirst for blood. Out of the shadows creeps the deathless, the hungered, the Vampires. Don’t resist the power they give, embrace it. Rule this season of horror.

But, what is this? It is not just a red moon, but a full moon as well. The natural enemy of Vampires stalks the land. With hideous claws, terrifying fangs, and a thick coat of fur, Werewolves howl in the night. You are lucky to not have been infected by the inferior power of the Vampiric Curse, you have the power of the wolf.

Which creature lurking in the shadows will reign this terrifying season?


It's time for Tug-of-War in Heroes Rising. Sign in and find out which curse your hero has. Do you become a Vampire or a Werewolf? Once you know which curse you are burdened with, it's time to make sure it is the best curse to have by kicking the candy corn out of your enemy. 
