Monday, October 19, 2020

The Second Lords of Lore Trivia winner is...

By Chaz Hamilton

Welcome back. We are pleased to announce the second Lords of Lore! winner!!

Without further preamble, the one who knows all is once again, Player ID # 10890 Macaia's Daughter. She had some fierce competition this round and I would like to thank all participants for taking the time to take part...

Oh, wait...

I offered a random The Power of Knowledge Power Card to one player who participated and got at least one question correct. The winner of that card is... Player ID# 10897 Timebender. Congratulations!

Here are the questions and their answers:

Tuesday's questions:

Question 1: What former name did Santa address Chase by when he summoned her? (Angela/Mythic Chase-Chapter 1)

Question 2: What notable object did Captain Omar discover and where did he discover it? (A bottle made of pure obsidian/ The Jinn-Chapter 2)

Question 3: Which two individuals encountered an invisible barrier and answered Chase’s call for help 
while in the Carlingford Mountains? (Dr. Blake and Martial Law/ Golden Hunt-Chapter 10)

Question 4: Who is the gemologist currently working with BADGE on the orbital space station? (Dr. Mark Hostetter/ Various stories beginning with The Thief story)

Question 5: What does Gar propose that you call a duck that steals? (A robber ducky/Tricking the Trickster, Chapter One)

Saturday's Questions

Question 1: How many BADGE sensor devices are closely examining Poveglia, Italy during the search for Chase? (425/ Tricking the Trickster, Chapter 5)

Question 2: Who killed Dr. Shepard? (Kravik/ Origins of Gar-Chapter 7)

Question 3: What did Zen find on an iceberg, leading him to comment that “My brothers and sisters were make quite a fuss?”, and how did he carry it? (A gold coin/ Golden Hunt, Chapter 12)

Question 4: What did the Jinn reveal gives Gar life and allows him(Gar) to exist? (The full, complete energy of Gar’s creator/ Missing Mythic-Chapter 12)

Question 5: Who did the powers Dr. Henderson gained come from? (Krampus/ Tiny Nova-Chapter 2)

Thanks to those who watched and a bigger thanks to those of you who participated. Keep paying attention to Dan Peyton's lore for the game. Even as we speak, I am feeling rather freaked out by what has been happening to me on the BADGE orbital station. I can't wait to read further and find out what happens to me.

Here is hoping I don't become a ghost. If that happens, trust me, I will haunt Director Nova until he gives me that interview. Happy Halloween!!! 