Sunday, October 18, 2020

Breaking News from League Wars: Haunted Heroes "OVERTIME"

By Chaz Hamilton

As the day began, the attention passed from the late-night registration drama and moved to the battle rounds. Heroes stepped onto fields. War was waged between titans and street-level crime fighters in various match-ups. In the end, one side came out victorious and another came out less fortunately...

Normally, that would be the way the article in the Sentinel would read. Today, the battle for two leagues in Division Seven, Mojo's Dojo and 5th Precinct: Undercover have gone into overtime and will be fighting for an additional eight hours after midnight.

I asked for a comment from one of the contenders in this late night battle. I see Mountain Dewey of the 5th Precinct: Undercover is stepping aside to speak to us.

Mountain Dewey - "Hello Chaz, Big fan! Did you see that? We tied, tied Flying monkeys! They're never gonna believe this back home." He takes a long slow drink from a soda can and smiles... "Ah, now that's cool, and refreshing!" It's hard to tell who exactly he's smiling at before he's off and running again.

Chaz here again, folks. It seem that these Undercover operatives are now in the spotlight, as are all the members of Mojo's Dojo. Viewers who thought that Cobra Kai was the bomb now have a new Dojo to root for.

On the sidelines, cheers are heard from the viewing public around the room. There are cries to know who this Ainruth person is? Others cheering fans chanting "Mojo, mojo, mojo."

After 2 hours and thirty minutes into overtime, the 5th Precinct: Undercover has a very narrow lead.
This could come down to the wire, folks. 

Chameleon has suffered two losses, Spoiled Milk one, Furious Squirrel four, Ainruth one, Power Dude six, and Enchantress one in the last two hours. Are the combatants wearing down? Before that, there were 31 other challenges lost in the combat between both sides. Out of 4 HUNDRED and FOUR fights, that is an awful lot of winning, let me tell you.

After 2 hours and forty-five minutes, there has been a shift in the scores into Mojo's Dojo's favor.

This could go either way. This is League Wars action at its best.

Check back in the morning for the final results of this EPIC Division Seven showdown!

It seems that the efforts of both leagues has lead to an amazing DOUBLE OVERTIME situation. Eleven hours and forty minutes after the battle should have ended, the leagues are TIED!!
