Tuesday, October 20, 2020

LW5-3... Who wears a Ball Gown to a Battlefield? (League Wars Fiction)

By Krystal Fae 

Ace stood just outside of the locker area designated for Legacy. Her heaviest hitter, Krystal Fae, still hadn’t arrived and it was only minutes before the starting gun.

With an outrushing whoosh of air and a flash of brilliant light, Krys teleported in as if she’d been there invisibly waiting for the best moment to make an entrance. Ace sighed in relief, then, as she saw what Krystal was wearing, drew in a rapid gasp in confusion.

“Krystal,...”, said Ace, “... What are you wearing? You take the field... well... now, as a matter of fact...”. She could hear the other Legacy members moving towards the doorway.

Krystal looked down at her outfit, grinned, and replied, “Well... no time to explain, and no time to change, then... maybe it will confuse them.”

Krystal’s words were somewhat prophetic, as several of the AoS team members that usually beat her in sparring fell to attacks from this spectacle, and even the matches she lost were somehow easier on her than usual.

As soon as her matches were completed, Krystal headed for the locker area to change in more battle-appropriate attire in case she was needed again later in the bout. She was certain that some reporter or other would be commenting or speculating about her reasons for this choice.

Maybe, someday, she just might tell them...