Friday, October 23, 2020

League Wars: Haunted Heroes Completed but October isn't OVER YET!!!

By Chaz Hamilton

OK. After everything that has happened since the start of League Wars: Haunted Heroes, it might be a good day to take some time off. Kick back and watch the instant replays on SAS. Make peace with the opponents you decimated in battle with a StarbuX coffee. Sleep in after two rounds that ended in OVERTIME.

Don't think that the excitement for October is over, though. There are still many opportunities to take part in that may end up with potentially HUGE rewards. HUGE.

How about we take a minute to investigate those possibilities...

1) The Halloween 'Dress as your Character' Costume Contest - Informational link below.

Halloween "Dress as your Character" Contest

2) The Costume Contest "Secret Level" hosted by Trace Evans "Trans-Challenge" - At the current time, Trace's typical character is disguised as Low Key, but under normal circumstances, he is a shapeshifter known as Fumo Hanzo. We might not be able to change shape like him, but we can dress up as if we were our opposite. Gender, that is. He has offered to do a $100 group buy for the top five costume contestants who get into costume as a character they play with an opposite gender. Specifically, if you are male and play a female character, you need to dress up as her and vise versa for female players. Ladies get to dress up as their male characters.

3) Collaborative Fiction stories - There are still ongoing, collaborative fiction stories going on in the Fiction Forum. One is specifically aimed at telling haunting stories from your character's POV. The heroes on the BADGE orbital space station are all facing their greatest fears. What about your character? What brings a shudder to their spine? A panic to their pancreas? A halt to their heartbeat?

Share those stories in the Fiction Forum and earn 20MP (Paid as two Reality Writer Power Cards) for substantial submission over a paragraph, or add it to the collaborative thread listed below.

 Collaborative Fiction: Space Ghost

4) Listeners to Dan Peyton's bi-weekly author sessions will know that he often speaks to Heroes Rising Players and lets tasty hints escape. No real details, but as a follower of his program, this past Monday he revealed some challenges of writing the HR Lore around in-game events, such as League Wars: Haunted Heroes. He also commented on the fact that soon after the end of the league war, there would be not ONE, but TWO events closely following.

In the past, his stories have given notice to the raids against Jinn in Bursa and Skelanimal in North Onnotangu. If one upcoming event is a RAID, what could the other one be?

5) There will of course continue to be Fight Clubs and KOTM Events for everyone to participate in. Don't forget the traditional fun we all love to engage in.

Happy Halloween, everyone. May your candy buckets be full of your favorite treats.
