Monday, October 5, 2020

Collaborative Fiction: Haunted Heroes

By Chaz Hamilton

Do you like telling scary stories? 

More and more, the superhero genre has been exploring more and more elements of horror. Movies like Brightburn, Dr. Strange, or The New Mutants have touched on more supernatural than super-powered topics. For decades, creatures of the night such as vampires and werewolves have been on the comic pages. October brings an opportunity to explore both in Heroes Rising.

In the Fiction Forum, there is a new thread for a collaborative effort in which your characters can play in that pool, if you're not afraid of drowning...(cue menacing laughter).

Below is the link to the Fiction Forum and the story.

Space Ghost

This is a thread open for anyone to join in. The premise is that as BADGE prepares for League War 5 and heroes across the world ready their teams, strange occurrences plague the world. A spectral intruder is haunting heroes from New Amsterdam to wherever you may be.

Add in a chapter including some supernatural or "Hall-o-weeny" event that happens to your character. You do not need to add onto another players story, unless you would like to. Take part in solving the mystery as it unfolds or just add in a spooky chapter that suits your fancy. Most of all, have fun.

This story will wrap up on November 1st. Each submission will be eligible for up to two Reality Writer Morphon Cards, and if the resulting story is strong enough, there could be more in the way of a Collaborative Fiction award. 

Please make sure your Player ID is included on the signature of your post so you can receive credit. That will help awards being given out as Strange Quark won't need to track you down. He's been in a mood lately, so don't make him mad!