Sunday, October 11, 2020

What's on your Wrist?

By Chaz Hamilton (ID 22349) and research on gear abilities done by Trace Evans ID 10950

Since the reveal of the new League War: Haunted Heroes Gold gear prize being a new wrist slot item, there have been even more surprises showing up.

What does Nightmare Aura do with the Chakra Wristband? 

Major Bloodsucking +5 from Vampire Claws? 

Cursed Aura from Wristband of the Depths?

Initial testing of Auras has shown that it does damage to an opponent when they attack you. Bloodsucking steals life from an opponent you attack and returns health to the attacker.

It seems that not only has a new slot opened, but some new gear properties as well. There are gear choices purchasable with Crystals and Bux in the Armory as well.

It seems that the new slots and gear are not available until level 40, based on the minimum level posted. How many wrist slots will open? A character at level 175 at the time of this post only has one wrist slot open. Time will tell what else develops with this new option.

***This just in. While trials are still ongoing, it has been discovered that a second wrist slot is available between levels 175 and 256. Thank you to our valuable research department, Trace Evans!***
