Thursday, October 15, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Tricking the Trickster Part 3

Nova stood before the massive monitor again, watching the world with his vigilant eye. Dozens of BADGE drones flew over parts of the Earth, visually scanning for evidence of Krampus or Chase, and always looking for crimes and other problems.

Gar walked into the room, holding a steaming cup. “For you, Director.”

Nova actually smiled and accepted the coffee. “Thanks. I didn’t ask for this, but I can use it.”

“I know. I remember when I first came to BADGE, and you had me help by doing little things like coffee. It was a happier time.”

Nova took a sip and then gave off a little laugh. “You know something, Gar. Over the many years I’ve been around, I find we always look back and believe life was easier yesterday. It feels that way because I believe our minds like to cling onto that which made us happy and fight to forget what was unhappy. It is a gift, I suppose, to ourselves. But, let us not forget that not that long ago Jinn almost destroyed this world. Before that, Legion came to city after city, attacking and challenging, and before that they buried you at sea. The past, my friend, isn’t as kind as we wish it to be. Though, it’s good to remember what was gentle and kind about the past, so we know what we want tomorrow to be like.”

Gar said, “You have seen many bad things. Do you think of what was good about the past?”

“True, I have seen some dark times and fought to protect this world. I have helped raise up defenders every generation, so they defeat the bad things. Does this mean that I only remember what was bad? No, not at all. I remember what was good. In my long years, I have seen many heroes rise, many of which were mere humans with no inkling of superpower. Yet, with some encouragement, they have overcome evil and bravely ensured good survives. I think of them, of the hope they gave, of the days when we could breathe in peace. I may seem grim, but I too know how to seek happiness.”

EB hopped into the room. “It’s true. Once, I heard it said, that someone actually heard Nova laugh. It was about three hundred years ago, I think.” He teased with a big grin.

Nova rolled his one good eye. “Just because I withhold my emotions doesn’t mean I don’t feel happiness.”

EB hopped up and perched on Gar’s shoulder. “Not true. I have offered you some of my best chocolate eggs, and you never eat them. How can anyone be happy without enjoying chocolate?” He materialized a chocolate egg in his hand, wrapped in blue, shiny foil.

Nova snatched it from EB and peeled a portion of wrapper with one thumb. He ate a big bite and said, “There!”

EB grinned, “Okay, fine, so you have a soul.” He laughed. Gar wasn’t even smiling. EB asked, “Hey, what’s the matter? I’m sorry you can’t eat chocolate...”

“No. I just was thinking about how much Chase liked your candy eggs.”

Nova handed the half-eaten egg back to EB and said, “We need to get back to work.”

EB tossed the egg, and it vanished, “True.”

Nova drank some of his coffee and then asked, “Did you come up here to give a report on the ruby shards?”

“The shards? No. They’re still working on it. It’s a real doozy. I came up because I had a thought.” He hopped off of Gar’s shoulder and landed on the handrail in front of the screen.

Nova snorted, “This could be dangerous.”

EB ignored that and asked, “Why hasn’t Skelanimal even tried to escape?”

Gar said, “Because he can’t. This is the best prison.”

Nova agreed with a nod, “This place is top-of-the-line. No one can escape.”

“True. But Skelanimal isn’t exactly the sharpest crayon in the box. Also, he’s escaped from some pretty good places. I would expect him to at least try. Unless he’s done something you haven’t told me about, he’s just laid there in that cell, refusing to answer questions.”

Nova looked at the bunny, “You may have something. Why hasn’t he even tried?”

All three were silent as they pondered this.

A robot said, “Director Nova, incoming transmission.”

He looked up, “Put it through.”

The screen filled with Chromatic Death’s face. “Awesome! Oh, hey Stony!” He waved at Gar.

“Chromatic, report?”

He held his communicator up and ran it around the room, giving them a dizzying view of the inside of what appeared to be a laboratory. “I found it! This must be where that Krampus creep has been hid’n out.”

Nova said, “Stop moving that camera!”

“Oh, sorry.” The image returned to his face.

“How do you know this is his lair?”

“Because of these.” He turned the camera down and showed them a large collection of glowing shards.

“Well, that makes an excellent case. Where’s Krampus?”

Gar added, “Where is Chase?”

“Sorry, dude, haven’t seen your girlfriend or that hairy thing. This place was empty when I got here. I did find something interesting. Look at this mess.” He turned the image over to the computer rigged with the BADGE communicator.

Nova’s one eye widened, “No wonder they’ve been ahead of us. That thing’s tapping our comm channels. How in hell haven’t we picked up the tap?”

“Not my expertise. But I’ll snatch the communicator and these shards and get my butt outta here. That chick scares the crap outta me and I don’t even want to think of what ole Krampus will do to me.”

“Wise choice. I’ll divert a shuttle to your location.”

“Gotcha.” He flicked the comm line off.

EB hopped around in glee. “Looks like we beat Krampus.”

Nova snatched EB by the ears, dangling him in front of his face. “What have I told you about bouncing around my new Operations Center.”

EB folded his arms and pouted, “You’re no fun.”

Nova dropped him. “If Chromatic brings us the rest of those shards, then we will be ahead of Krampus. However, I never overestimate my circumstances, and I won’t underestimate my enemy. We’re still unclear what purpose these things serve.”

Gar added, “And we still haven’t found Chase.”

“Good point,” Nova said. “So, when he gets back here with those shards and they’re all accounted for, we’ll turn our attention to getting back Chase.”

EB said, “I’ll do everything I can to find her. You know that.”

“Yes. I do. Go to the lab and help however you can.”

“RIGHT-O.” EB gave a comical salute and then zoomed away.

Gar said, “He’s getting better about obeying your orders.”

Nova muttered, “Yes, and so far he hasn’t crashed the station.”

Gar asked, “What should I do now?”

Before Director Nova could answer, a robot announced. “Communication for Director Nova. Arena Maximus is prepared for inspection.”

“Tell them I’ll be there shortly.”

Gar frowned, “The League Wars arena?”

“Yes. I know, I know. Holding that event right now might seem odd. But life must go on. Until there is a crisis needing heroes to fight, there is no reason to not hold this. Besides, EB’s right...never tell him I said that...if we have all the shards, then Krampus might be unable to finish his plans. This whole problem could already be solved.” He patted Gar on the shoulder. “Operations is yours. Monitor Earth and tell me when Chromatic gets here.”

“Yes, sir.” Gar watched him leave and then turned and looked at the giant monitor.
