Sunday, October 18, 2020

League War: Haunted Heroes Fan-Fiction "The Ladder"

By Silver Paladin

"This tournament truly does show you what you are made of, doesn't it?" Silver Paladin asked Starmaster. The Star Forces first round of battle proved to be a good, but challenging fight against the NMDS. With a final result of 140-92, NMDS received the accolades and the Star Force useful experience.

Starmaster nodded as they reached the food court. "That it does. It is a good thing that the villains of Earth don't have a similar training exercise."

Silver Paladin stopped for an instant and considered that thought. What if villains organized and prepared half as well as BADGE and Director Nova made sure the heroes were? "That is a frightening proposal."

"Indeed it is," Starmaster said. "I'm sorry you were sorely outmatched this last round. I was hoping for a lower division."

"Even in loss, I have learned a great deal."

"I see. You're starting to understand climbing the ladder." Starmaster stopped at a coffee at the Starbux kiosk. "One Midnight Mochachino, please." He turned to Silver Paladin and gestured for him to add to the order.

"Not for me. Thank you," Silver Paladin said. "What do you mean about the ladder?"

Starmaster waved his wrist over the card reader and paid for his drink. "I describe it as the ladder, but there are lots of different definitions. The Mountain. The Climb. Starting at the bottom and working your way up, but by learning from your experiences and losses, as well as your successes."

"Ah. I see your point, but why do you say the ladder instead of the others? The Climbing the Mountain sounds far more impressive."

A cheering group of Horsemen from Division Three charged past them. Starmaster picked up his Mochachino and waited for the clamor to pass before continuing. "I think the ladder is more accurate because you can move a ladder to suit your own personal goals where a mountain is immobile. For instance, with the Star Force, our goal right now is to participate and get what rewards we can. Several members were able to work on their goal to get in 8 battles. If we win a round or two, that would be great, but as long as we reap some progress and knowledge by participating, we have come out ahead."

"I made no headway to winning 8 battles. I find that I was unprepared for this tournament."

"It happens, but at least you tried. So did Bloodstar. I don't think he managed to win any battles but he made an attempt. El Rey earned us some wins, as did most of the others in the league. I just wish we had better communication. Sometimes I doubt my messages to the league in the Comm Center get missed."

Silver Paladin looked at a viewing screen where an interview with several members of different Ghost Warrior groups was being shown. "These large organizations where they have leagues in multiple divisions, such as the 5th Precinct, Avengers, Ghost Warriors, and NMDS, must be challenging to command."

"I can only imagine." Starmaster stepped over to a platform overlooking the tier below and rested his arms on the railing, taking small sips of his beverage. "At times, I feel like I am mostly talking to myself with this one league. Managing the activity of so many different groups seems like it would be like herding cats."

"That is a true exercise in futility."

A howl arose from all about the food court. 

"What's going on?" Silver Paladin asked.

"I don't know." Starmaster turned to a viewscreen. A special bulletin flashed announcing an overtime continuation of a battle between the 5th Precinct: Undercover and Mojo's Dojo. Chaz Hamilton remotely covered the story, using footage from the battles in the arena to highlight the pivotal moments. "It has to be odd looking just like Chaz under your mask."

"Why do you think I wear it so much?" Silver Paladin said. "He lives to be in the spotlight. That fight there, between those two leagues. I would greatly enjoy that type of combat. A battle of equal peers is gratifying like little else."

"Maybe next round." Starmaster raised his glass to the viewscreen. "Good job to both teams."
