Friday, October 16, 2020

League Wars: Haunted Heroes Fan-Fiction - The Wait

By Silver Paladin

"You just made it in under the wire, Silver Paladin," Starmaster said. He waved for the new member of the Star Force to enter the groups headquarters in a decommissioned observatory. "The roster was due to be posted by midnight. Welcome!"

"Thanks to you for the invitation into your league." Silver Paladin stepped into the building. "I shall strive to prove my worth."

Starmaster closed the door and tapped at a data pad to engage the Sentinel into defense mode. "No need to be so formal. Follow me and I'll introduce you to everyone." 

Together the two of them walked through a hallway and into a common area where ten other capes mingled around the room. Some sat on couches and chairs, facing a large wall-mounted television screen. Others huddled around a buffet table with an assortment of party foods. 

"You have probably met most everybody in the Fight Clubs around the area." Starmaster said as he led Silver Paladin to the front of the room. "Everyone, if I could have your attention, please. This is Silver Paladin. He will fill out our ranks by giving us our twelfth member for League Wars: Haunted Heroes."

There was a brief round of applause before Starmaster waved for them to stop. "I know you know Catalyst from Louisville and the Quest in the Midwest. The Infinite Tempest and Prysmatica are there next to him. They joined the team last league war along with El Rey."

The four heroes saluted or waved in acknowledgement as their names were said. 

"As I was away on official business for much of the Stellar Battle, Chained Angel led the group to our first league war battle round win." Starmaster pointed at an attractive red-haired woman with large white wings. "The first of many, I hope."

Chained Angel gave a polite bow in response. "My pleasure. Nice to meet you, Silver Paladin."

Giving a deeper bow in return, Silver Paladin said, "I'm certain the pleasure is mine, m'lady."

Her cheeks reddened slightly. "Oh, I think we will keep you around."

"What about me, buddy?" A muscular man with a brown hair, sideburns, and a goatee asked. "I joined last go around too, ya know."

"That's Wyldfyre," Starmaster said. "He's our official league mascot."

Wyldfyre took a step forward and a gust of warm air swept over Silver Paladin. "You son-of a --"

"Dude, you know I'm only kidding." Starmaster held up a hand to the advancing hothead. "Don't worry about him. He and I go way back. He's the last of our members from last war."

"Don't stoke the stove, S.M., unless you want to bring the heat," Wyldfyre said as he walked up to Silver Paladin. "Nice armor. Do you just walk through the car wash to get that shiny or does it come natural?"

"Natural?" Silver Paladin cocked his head to a side.

"And finally, we have our other newest members. Winter's Fist, Bloodstar, Lightning R.A.D., and Cyber Star." Starmaster pointed at a group milling about the table with the food. They shook their heads in polite nods as they snacked.

"How long until they announce the divisions?" Winter's Fist asked. "I can't wait to see who we're going to be matched up against."

Catalyst spoke up. "It could be at anytime today. Much to assess and plan. Director Nova is very meticulous in his planning."

Silver Paladin mingled with his new league for the next hour, taking time to get to know each of them a bit better. The next day was going to be full of practice battles and apprehension as they waited for the release of information. There were many other leagues out there. Many stronger, a few on par with the Star Force. What did the future hold?

For the moment, the only certainty was that all they could do was the same as every other league and wait.
