Monday, October 19, 2020

Hero Highlights- Aflima ◄[RD]►

Our subject today hails from the planet of Dominar in his home realm. He was quite well known to those hailing from Dimension S-H-C, surviving the end of that realm. He has now pledged to defend this realm with the same vigor. Evildoers, beware of his fiery wrath.

Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
~~I don't have a secret identity like others in this realm, per se, but most just go with Aflima.

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
~~Definitely independent. BADGE does its thing, we do ours. None of us have yet gotten 'the call', but we willingly assist them and any other groups that find themselves in rough spots.

Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
~~I'm in the 5th Precinct, which is sort of a league of leagues. I won't go into the hierarchy, sub-groups and the like, but we share common goals.
(As of the date of publication, Aflima is currently on the roster of 5th Precinct Galactic.)

Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?
~~Well, I can fly and manipulate fire, but those were inherent gifts, not morphon-generated like that Firebrand woman who was going full loco in New Amsterdam. Devra and Burning Daylight strongly believe morphon exposure has enhanced my abilities.

Do you have a sidekick?
~~ (Aflima shrugs, then says in a conspiratorial tone) Don't tell him, but I consider Tri-blade to be my sidekick on most missions...Hey! but seriously, it's all about equal partnerships where I'm concerned.

(Trying to hide a grin) Off-topic for a moment, speaking of partnerships, I understand you're now engaged?
~~Yes, and to a former colleague of yours from the old Burning Daylight Labs. I thought that I was never going to see Devra again when I left the S.H.C. realm, but somehow, and Devra couldn't explain it either, she made her way to me and I knew then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Now, she's here working behind the scenes. Will have to get the two of you reacquainted again at some point to catch up, perhaps.

That would be very nice. Back to the interview... Could you tell us a little about your origin?
~~A long time ago in a realm far, far away,... to cut it short I showed these special abilities when I was very young, I could barely walk. I was recruited to join a team of kids tasked with defending a series of interdimensional portals, and after many adventures, I find myself in this realm helping out against the myriad of threats. It's non-stop but I enjoy it immensely.

What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
~Well, I acquired this piece called the Plasma Arm from very early on and I've never looked back. It's functional, lightweight, and can deliver quite a stunning blow. Besides, plasma suits a guy like me in most cases.

Do you have any advice for new Heroes?
~~Find what aspect you like and roll with it, don't be dissuaded by struggles and setbacks. There are monsters everywhere, but success isn't always measured by the number of giants you can or can't slay. (Under his breath...) Lord, that makes me sound old. 

Is there anything else you'd care to add?
~~Dress for success, never stop smiling, and keep your eyes open for anything.

Thank you for the interview today, and give Devra my best wishes.
Until next time my friends.