Thursday, December 3, 2020

Fighting the Blues between Events

by Chained Angel

ID#: 20570

    Between large player events, such as Raids and League Wars, many players think there isn’t anything fun going on with the Heroes Rising Game. The inner Alpha dog inside of them gets itchy for action and on the Heroes Rising Players page it can become a bit… volatile. Once you’ve done the Fight Club scene, stretched your muscles in a KOTM fight, or claimed your position in a different event, what else is there to do?

    Some find fun in stirring the proverbial hornet’s nests and seeing what happens. Others retire away until the siren’s call for combat is called out. The down time is an opportunity for many to explore their builds and strategies, testing out combinations to maximize their potential. A few will amuse themselves trying to master the Mission Zones while trying to defeat every mini boss and collecting each Bronze, Silver, and Gold version of a prize. It can become a routine grind of repetition.

    And then there are the occasional sales on new Power Cards and/or gear options to consider. A few spins on the Nova’s Mystery Shuffle may reap some nice rewards, if the player has the Morphons.

    There are other options as well, though not as many seem to search those out as could participate. Here are a few suggestions to continue exploring and having fun with the game world without needing to don your suit of power armor or picking up your mystical weapon. The only require a thinking cap and a willingness to be young again.

  • · Participating in a Heroes Rising Contest. Every month, Dan Peyton shares a contest of some sort for activity during downtime. Typically, these have been either an Art Contest or a Fan-Fiction Writing Contest. This month, it is an Art Contest where participants can earn up to 60 Morphons worth of cards for coloring any three of the black-and-white sketches he has provided with a seasonal theme/holiday message. In essence, turning them into Christmas Cards.

The breakdown on this is that for free players, this is a huge opportunity to earn Morphons without spending anything but some time and investing some of your creative juices.

  • · Writing Fiction stories involving the Heroes Rising Universe. Either individually or collaboratively, there are opportunities to earn Morphon rewards for participating in creating stories about our heroes. Each post showing sufficient effort and content (which basically means it has to be a sincere effort, not monkeys typing out nonsensical sentences) in the Fiction Forum merits a reward of two Reality Writer Power cards worth 10 Morphon points each. Tap into the holiday spirit and create a story of how your character, or your character and their league, spends the holiday season. Retell a holiday classic with a new spin. Create a piece on how your league decorates their league headquarters for the season.        
Based on the activity on the Players Page, I know how creative people can be at creating drama. Try your hand at putting that skill to good use and tell an engaging story over multiple chapters for people to enjoy for the holiday season. If you were to write one segment of your story each day over a couple of weeks, that could earn you 280 Morphon points. That used on a Mystery Shuffle Spin could reap you a nice holiday present for your efforts. 

  • · Help another player out with their own storytelling by joining into their collaborative fiction story. Even if you don’t have the idea for a story of your own, I get the fair impression that many of you have played tabletop role-playing games. Follow the lead of another author and add to the story they tell with the addition of your character. Create a villain for them to oppose. Heck, two characters in game could fight against one another, attacking and defending against one another in a knock-out word brawl.

  • · Earlier this year, Heroeswood was created. How about taking some time to make a video presentation from your league? Here’s an idea. Make a holiday video with members of your league singing a carol. Share it on the Players Page. There are more than enough creative people out there that could help anyone who doesn’t know how to do this themselves. I can only imagine the comedic twists that could be put onto the Twelve Days of Christmas…”On the fifth day of Christmas, Krampus gave to me…FIVE RUBY SHARDS!!!!!”

  • · Use the time to communicate with other players and begin recruiting members for your league. Work with others to build something rather than the more common activity of trying to tear something down.

  • · Get together with other players, either league-mates or people with shared interests, and get to know one another better. Exchange holiday wish lists, discuss charities that you support, share favorite recipes for favorites around your families table for your celebrations.
    We need to find more reasons to be positive and kind to our fellow members of the community this time of year, especially with the year most of us have had. Let’s try to end the year on a high note, not in a trainwreck.

    In essence, my holiday wish is that we can, as a community, try to play to our strengths and find some constructive ways to fill the time until the next fun-filled event rather than spinning into a downward spiral of negativity. It isn’t always necessary for the developers to create our fun for us. Sometimes, it is better if we go out on that evergreen limb and find some for ourselves.

With Love,
Chained Angel