Friday, December 18, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 9

Nova stepped out of the elevator with Skelanimal right behind him. He lifted his hand and yanked it forward as if he were pulling a mule along. Skelanimal’s neck brace buzzed, and it thrust him forward, nearly causing him to fall on his face.

“I said you don’t have ta do that! I’m not gonna be bad.”

Nova ignored him as he approached Commander Justin. “Report!”

Justin pointed to the monitors, half showing various views of the evil castle, others displaying news reports. “I think we’ve found Lady Phoenix and Krampus.”

Nova scanned over the screen for a moment. “I would say so. They’re not even trying to hide anything now. Wait... are those parts from the old Arena?”

Justin nodded and then pointed at one of the nearby robots. Half of the main monitor changed to show images and a few bits of video from above as Lady Phoenix and Krampus stood on the coast and lifted the arena out of the waters. “This was our first indication. Satellites picked up activity at the old arena and we found this. I wasn’t sure what they were up to at first, but then Fifth Precinct got a closer look.”

“Fifth Precinct? What are they doing?” Nova asked.

“They’ve been doing their best to keep civilians and the media at bay.”

Nova had a surprised look on his face. “They presumed what my orders would be, and they were correct. Nice work.”

Skelanimal, still picking at the collar, said, “at least they ain’t gonna be hard to find.”

Nova shook his head. “No, they won’t be, and that worries me.”

“What do you mean?” Justin asked.

Nova spent a moment watching all the various images, from the construction to the floating castle. “An enemy that flaunts their power like this either is a fool or is so strong, they have no reason to fear us. I don’t take either Krampus or Lady Phoenix to be fools. They are strong, and they know it.”

Justin asked, “what do we do?”

“Get closer to that thing, get readings, images, something. We need info. I am not going in this blind. But, don’t get too close, we don’t need...”

“Fifth Precinct already went in.”


Justin gestured to another robot, and a small window opened on the screen. The Closer was speaking, “This is The Closer with Fifth Precinct. We have been monitoring the strange castle for a while. I ordered my league to go in and called on the other leagues in our circle. We attacked Krampus, but it was just a ploy. He wasn’t hurt and nearly killed several of us. That Lady Phoenix... she defeated us with one hand. We only survived because she has a message for BADGE. She has issued a challenge, she wants heroes to come to her. I don’t really know why. Be careful.” He turned and was waving at more of the Fifth Precincts various leagues, directing them away from the castle. The screen fuzzed out.

Nova slowly turned and looked at Skelanimal. “Now, why would she be issuing a challenge?”

“I dunno. Why look at me?”

Nova’s good eye twitched and his thumb played with the punishment button on the collar controls. “It’s a good thing I know you’re truly an idiot.” He turned back to Justin, “Commander, I want all the Leagues primed and ready for combat. However, tell them to not go in. They’re to keep the media and civilians away from danger. We don’t need another North Onnotangu situation.”

“What about military forces?”

“Advise them to keep their distance. And, this time, tell them it would be smart to listen to us.”

“You know how well that will go over.”

Nova scoffed, “we can hope. Now, get me Lord Dragon up here as soon as possible.”


Santa stood in a room with his Sleigh. Around him were the gathered talisman that BADGE had saved after the battle. When the Mythic’s fell to the power drain from Lady Phoenix, their talisman also fell. Now, BADGE had them under the tightest security possible.

Running his hand over the surface of the sleigh, he spent a long moment merely looking at the deep red wood.

Just then the door of the room opened and spread fresh light across the otherwise dim collection. Three figures approached him.

“Santa?” EB hopped up to the Sleigh and looked into his friend’s morose face.

Santa smiled at EB and ran his hand over the bunny’s head. “Did you bring them?”

“Like you asked. Here’s Gar and Quark.”

Quark asked, “how did you get in here? This is the most sealed room on this station. I would have a hard time getting in.”

“I’m Santa Claus,” was all the explanation he gave.

Gar asked, “what did you want to see us about?”

Santa, who hadn’t turned around yet, said, “I wished to speak to you about my daughter.”

“Daughter?” Quark blurted out.

EB quickly said, “yeah, Chase is...”

Santa stopped him, “Angela is my daughter, but you know her as Chase.”

“You’re kidding!” Quark said.

Santa regaled them with the long story of how he came to have Angela as his daughter and what happened to turn her into Chase, and now the Lady Phoenix.

By the end EB was bawling, “and... and... when you had to let her go... that’s so saaaad!”

Gar asked, “when she came to BADGE, wasn’t that your suggestion?”

“Yes. I wanted her to turn her life around. I wanted her to stop being a thief and become something better. This is why I wanted to speak with you, both of you. I sent her here in the hopes she would gain a new life, but so much more happened. She found friendship and even felt love in her heart. For this, I am grateful to both of you.”

“Us?” Quark asked.

“Yes. You, Strange Quark, became her friend despite her past. Gargoyle, you felt a real, honest attraction to her, falling in love with her heart.”

Gar nodded, “I still have feelings for her she doesn’t entirely share with me. But, we remain good... friends...” he trailed off, a deep pain setting in.

Santa said, “for this, I believe you should know what comes next. I believe you already understand this.” He looked at Quark.

“I do. However, the details are a little vague.”

Santa spent a long moment gathering his thoughts and emotions. “The truth is, this is my fault. Chase was never meant to live for over two centuries. She was meant to live a normal human life. In her soul is the magic of my people, particularly my magic. That is the only way Lady Phoenix could bond with her. However, Lady Phoenix is not a physical presence, but pure power. To stop her and to save Lady Phoenix, we will need to remove the power in her. That will mean taking out what I gave her.”

Gar asked, “wouldn’t that be a good thing?”

Quark quietly put a hand on Gar’s shoulder and solemnly said, “that power keeps her alive. Without it, she will die. Her body is over two hundred years cannot survive without that magic.”

“THEN DON’T DO IT!” Gar yelled.

Santa said, “we have no choice. To return Lady Phoenix to us, and hopefully return her mind to a more stable state, we must extract her. Also, she stole parts of all the Mythics magic. We will all suffer and die, quite soon in fact, if we don’t do this.”

“Not me.” EB said. “I protected my magic from her. She only got a few bits. I’ll be okay.”

Santa nodded, “true. But, you will be the only one left of us. And, if we don’t do this, the darkness in Lady Phoenix will only grow stronger and she will remain evil. She is a danger to this world, and many others, if we don’t stop her.”

Gar struggled, if he could he would be crying, “please... there has to be another way. I... I can’t lose her.”

Santa was shedding tears, “believe me, Gar… a father would never wish to watch their own child die. If there was another way, I would take it. I just don’t know if I can watch this happen. I don’t know if I can... handle...” he put his face down against the sleigh and wept, unable to form words. EB walked over and held him.
