Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Gameplay Advice: Hurry up and Slow down

by Todd Goode (#12205)

Many folks may wonder if there is a right or wrong way to play HR and if there a proper speed to progress. The short answer is yes. The longer answer is there’s a combination of factors to consider, like power card decks, level cap, required XPs to level, investment of time and dollars and if you’re in a league. These things will help you determine your speed of progression successfully in the game. Having a good understanding of why will help, so here is a short explanation of why.

Power card decks are your attack, defense and movement cards and you are only allowed a certain amount per level. You can have more than needed but you want you want the right ones. Of course, a tier 4 (T4) card is better but be aware, the stronger point value attack card will generally fire first in a rotation. One high value T4 card with a T4 value total of (A=100 + D=100 + M=100) 300 is not going to be as strong as ten lower value attack cards at T4 with a T4 value of (A=50 + D=50 + M=50) x 10 or (150 x 10)=1500. The 10 lower value cards are stronger and will fire first.

You can easily track your strongest cards on the training page as they are ordered by strongest to weakest and track each deck by using the corresponding red=ATT, blue=DEF, green=MOV toggle buttons at the top of the training page. The strongest are at the top of the lists but you can also order them from weakest to strongest with a double tap of the toggle buttons.

The goal is to add as many cards as possible to your decks but having your strongest attack cards fire first until you are able to trade or buy up, a higher value set of cards. So, consider the values when acquiring cards. If you have cards in the wrong placement or you level to fast and are short on cards you will be hitting with less power and are likely to be beaten. The same is true for defense and movement cards.

Level Cap – represents the highest obtainable level in the game at the moment. Pay attention to level cap. As everyone progresses towards the level cap, the amount of required XP per level gets lower and that helps the lower levels gauge speed they need to go. Not so much for the speedsters in the highest levels. Thank them, they make your required XP lower and easier to obtain.

Investment of time and dollars – Simply put, if you invest in MP buys on some level, the less time grinding is needed to get stronger. If you like the challenge of grinding to get the full game effect it will just take a little longer.

If you’re in a league – If you are in a league or thinking about joining a league, the speed in which you level should match your teammate’s level as close as possible as league strength is determined by the leagues average or LWS level. There is a little wiggle room but if your level is to low the opponents you face in League Wars will overpower you. If your level is too high, your level can cause your league mates to face opponents that are stronger than them. Neither is good and decisions will need to be made about trading players for best placement in divisions to fight.

These factors should always be a consideration for how fast you level in the game as they all affect each other in some way. So, slow playing or camping is probably better for most players when preparing for a league war. Speed leveling, if necessary, is best only after a league is ready and registered for war. Speed leveling then can help players get stronger by leveling to obtain extra Skill Points (SP) to allocate where needed most. At any rate, its hurry up and slow down.

Here are some suggestions that will allow experiencing game play without creating a heavy XP load and causing unneeded levels to fast. Depending on play style and investment, any or all of these suggestions can slow your speed of leveling and give you better control to strengthen your character.

Do your Quests – You can complete most all of your quest and make bux with little or no XP gain provided you do it the right way. Here is how:

Quest 1: 20 Attacks – You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by losing 20 regular battles. Find a friend you can lose to and help their win record.

Quest 2: Equip a piece of gear - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by simply un-equipping and re-equipping a piece of gear.

Quest 3: Upgrade a power – You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by tiering up a cheap crystal card if you do not have an MP card to upgrade.

Quest 4: Modify your Avatar - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by changing your avatar look and saving the change.

Quest 5: Harvest Crystals - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by harvest your own crystals or a friend’s crystals from the profile page.

Quest 6: Purchase a power - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by simply buying a cheap crystal card. I suggest a movement card. Even a little improvement helps.

Quest 7: Win a KOTH fight - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by winning one and one only KOTH fight. KOTH fights include the leader board and other climb events. Be aware any win here will give you approximately 20-25 XP towards your next level and loses do not cause XP gain. 

Quest 8 is intentionally covered below. Pay close attention to this quest!!!

Quest 9
: Update your bio - You can complete this quest and claim the bux only reward by simply adding a period to your bio and saving it. It’s super easy.

Quest 8: Complete all daily Quests – If you have completed the list above, that’s all you need to do. DO NOT CLICK THIS BUTTON. The reward for completing all daily quests is a very high amount of XP in the hundreds or thousands, it raises as you level up and 1 MP point. You can sacrifice the single MP and make it up elsewhere. Only click this button after your team is set and registered for league wars. It seems counterproductive but it’s not. This is the one sacrifice you take for the team.

Join Fight Club (fc)
Watch and scout for your best room to enter in Fight Club and join for the initial 2 MP reward. If you must fight, only fight until your 6thwin. This will give you a total of 5 MP for playing fc and keep the XP gain to a bare minimum. The amount of energy you spend on a win is the same amount of XP you will gain. Keep this in mind as you grind.

KOTM and climb events
You know what is best for your toon but if you compete in one or multiple events you will rack up high amounts of XP for each win and each win puts you closer to leveling up. The new toon should probably play KOTH events sparingly when starting out.

Do your missions
– Missions are good for getting drops of gear and cards and also MP. There is only a small amount of XP gain unless a boss drops and is defeated. The higher missions can have higher XP gains but it’s a good tradeoff for the reward.

Morphon buys – If you wish really slow play, you can purchase morphons in league and team buys, individual buys or purchasing a bundle when available. These investments will allow you to acquire the best powers and gears through the store and mystery shuffle and will allow you the strength to beat many more opponents above your level while remaining at a current level without the need to actually level. 

This is referred to as camping. The longer you can remain on one level while amassing power and gear cards, the more unbeatable you may become but that can get a little boring. I like competing slow but steady myself. You have to choose what is best for you and your toon.