Tuesday, December 22, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Operation “Krampus Krush” Day Two, Hour One

By Chaz Hamilton

The heroes have entered their second day of direct combat vs Krampus. It has been a fierce firefight. Just as the waters of the Atlantic shore pummel the beaches of the east coast, waves of heroes go forth and break against this Mythic foe. He either bats them away or they expend their energy and retreat until they are prepared to charge in again.

Eventually, their effort will erode Krampus down and leave him devastated at the hero’s feet.

Krystal Fae and some other heroes have joined me with the B.A.D.G.E. scientists to collaborate on the ongoing effort. I was able to catch a brief comment from her. 
"While Krampus is always a problem, we have handled him before... I'm much more concerned how Lady Phoenix will react to his eventual defeat..." -- Krystal Fae (10962)
I’ve seen Krystal Fae in many stressful situations, but in this case, I must note that she had actually broken a sweat while engaging Krampus. Things are dire indeed. And her comment is a shared concern between many of the individuals out their fighting for our safety and security.

Lady Phoenix doesn’t seem to care how Krampus fares. Is it overconfidence on her part, or is there a diabolical scheme playing around in her dark mind? She bears the demeanor of a typical housecat, calmly sitting on her chair while trying with absolute ease to look unconcerned and uninterested, until that fateful moment when she is not.

That is when she will strike, and if what she did to Hallows Port is an indication, she will strike hard and fast like an angry panther or lioness.

I also have had the privilege of speaking with Shinobi before he went back out to rejoin the spearhead.

“With around 23 hours left to knock out the remaining 29% with hard work and determination, Krampus should fall. If you have extra candy corn that will recharge energy twice as fast for 12 hours or a #5 ruby shard that recharges energy twice as fast as well as recharges battles for four hours, use them wisely. Shinobi has a feeling there may be a second battle to come that will require extra energy after Krampus is defeated. Lady Phoenix awaits, maybe. Is Shinobi right? We will see.” --Shinobi #12205

Strangely enough, few heroes speak of themselves in third person, but his meaning was clear. The efforts cannot be left to slide, assuming that triumph is at hand. Now is the time to dig the deepest and bring forth that inner powerhouse and let slip the dogs of WAR!!

At the current census, there have been THREE HUNDRED and FOUR different heroes that have engaged in this effort to contain Krampus. What an amazing count. With so many powerful beings within one area of this blue globe, it is a wonder to me that reality doesn’t rip apart at the sheer volume of the power being unleashed. Individual heroes and league alike have come here to defend this world.

{I≋C≋E}✨ P≋o≋p[̲̅s][̲̅i][̲̅c][̲̅l][̲̅e] made a brief comment of his own while researching his personal damage curve during the fight. These heroes are doing their best to fight smart, not hard.

“Feeling great hitting my new hi score of 100,000+ raid damages” – Ice Popsicle. I.D. 10989
While I am a big fan of reaching personal bests and celebrating accomplishments, I did find myself trembling at the thought of being able to generate that much power. He is generating damage on a scale that is undeniably powerful, but he isn’t at the pinnacle of the efforts waged here.

Consider our current top ten list of damage dealers:

432,133 Damage: Miðgarðsormr

391,917 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

367,061 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

301,907 Damage: ♦ Belsnickel ♦

278,415 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

268,709 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

253,829 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas

240,997 Damage: Sevon

227,247 Damage: The Avenger

210,382 Damage: ♦ ~HERETIC~ ♦

I can see this battle dragging out into the wee hours of the night, but an end is in sight. And with Lady Phoenix sitting and waiting, her eyes stone-cold as agates, possibly a beginning as well. A beginning of a new, larger, more deadly fight.

Not long ago, the Spirit of Halloween aided Krampus in his machinations. I hope that the Spirit of Christmas Present is watching over us now and will guide these heroes to victory.

Say a special holiday prayer for our heroes tonight. They may not need it, but in this instance, I think it is best to err on the side of caution.

Check in later for another update here with the Sentinel News. Chaz Hamilton signing off for now.