Thursday, December 31, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth Part 18

 Nova led Lady Phoenix into the Arboretum with Chase, Gar, Quark, EB and Santa.

“LORD DRAGON!” EB raced over to the leader of this group and shook him. “Wake up!”

Nova stepped over to Cupid and looked down at the man, “are they… dead?”

Lady Phoenix walked through, her body emanating an aura of fiery energy. “No, but it is like a state of death. Their power has been drained.”

Gar asked, “is it in you still?”

She knelt down and brushed her hand over Maneki-neko. “Not anymore. When Krampus put me back together, that which I stole was removed.”

Nova asked, “can you save them?”

Lady Phoenix stood and gave a soft nod, “yes. I am whole again, my talisman and I are reunited. This gives me power that I haven’t had in seven hundred of your years. It is how they will be brought back as well.” she stepped into the middle of her fallen comrades.

Lady Phoenix rose up, and a great power emitted from her. Above each Mythic an object appeared. A bow rose over Cupid, an African Ceremonial Mask over Ananzi, a large gold coin over Maneki-Neko, a crown of colored feathers over Quetzalcoatl, nothing over Lord Dragon. Suddenly Lady Phoenix jerked back, and each item dissolved and the mist flowed into each person, with a small portion out of each entering Lord Dragon.

“Please, giving willingly.” She held her hand out toward Santa and EB.

Both bowed their heads and a small point of light shone from them and entered Lord Dragon.

The world returned to normal as each of the Mythics groaned and came around.

“Oh, what happened?” Cupid asked.

Maneki-Neko gasped, “my Lady! You live!”

“Yes, I am with you once again.”

“As am I,” Lord Dragon sat up. “But… I don’t know how.”

Lady Phoenix said, “each of you gave your all to help, but the evil within me stole life from you. I have been returned to my original form, I am whole again. To save you, I have returned all of you to your original forms as well. You are Vexillians once again.”

Lord Dragon looked down at his hands, “this is not possible. Jinn’s destruction of my talisman forever divided me.”

“I took from each of us a portion of magic and gave you the strength you lost. None of us shall ever truly be whole, but we are as close to our original strength as we have been since the day we first set foot on this planet.”

Lord Dragon smiled as he looked up at his wife and then Chase, “but, how can you be with us?”

Santa walked over with Chase at his side. “There is much to explain. However, I believe it is time I formally introduce all of you to my daughter.”

Nova quietly escorted Gar and Quark out of the room. “Let them have their moment. We have much to do.”


One week later;

A gala event clamored on the BADGE space station. Heroes and dignitaries alike mingled. There was a lot of Christmas cheer with cookies, presents, trees, and all the works. Santa missed the holiday, so he gave this party all the charm of the season.

“You’re pretty.” Gar said, with a big smile, as Chase walked up to him.

She laughed and took a sip of champagne. “We’re co-workers, I don’t think that’s appropriate.”

“I don’t care. I like looking at you.”

She sidled up to him and brushed her hand down his beefy, bare, stone chest, “You aren’t so bad to look at either.”

“Stop petting the statues.” Nova said as he approached.

Chase laughed, “you’re in a good mood.”

Nova said, “it feels good right now. The world feels peaceful again.”

Just then Krystal Fae walked up with Chaz Hamilton beside her. “Director, I hope you don’t mind, but I escorted Mr. Hamilton up here from the Sentinel.”

Nova took Chaz by the hand and gave him a firm handshake, “not at all. I’m glad you’re here.”

“You… are. I… I don’t know what to say.” Chaz appeared as though he might swoon.

Nova said, “you were the only reporter to stick around and give a full report on the incident. I’ve known a lot of the media in my time and no one has been quiet as brave as you. Most of your reports are being used by top-level officials to get a better picture of what happened. You have earned a right to be the official reporter on all BADGE events.”

“I… have? You can’t be serious! I just... what about Krystal? She’s always up here with you guys?”

Krystal leaned over, “don’t blow this by asking dumb questions.”

Nova said, “Krystal is good with the media stuff. But, she is also a hero who has a lot on her hands dealing with that. I need someone dedicated to media, and that’s you, unless you don’t want it.”

“I WANT IT!” He blurted and then calmed down, “uh, sorry. I accept.”


“I can begin right now, if you don’t mind. I wanted to ask Chase some questions.”

Chase said, “sure.”

“What is it like being the daughter of Santa Claus?”

“It’s kinda strange, really. I remember decades of time when I didn’t know my past. Yet, now I remember centuries lived with him in his workshop, and those years feel like a warm memory that has always been with me. It will take time to sort it out. But, I am glad to know my past. I have a father again, and that makes me feel better. I just wish I hadn’t lost my uncle.”

“Uncle? Oh, you mean Krampus. Yes, I was wondering about that. I’m still unclear about the whole Krampus situation...”

Nova said, “let’s leave that for another time. I’m sure Chase can offer you an in-depth interview when time permits. There’s someone else here who wants to see her.”

Just then Starmaster approached with a finely dressed woman in elegant Onnotangu garb. “Chase!” The woman rushed over and hugged Chase.

Chase said, “Shizue, is that you under all this?”

Shizue stood back, “yes. Thought I’d dress nice for tonight.”

Starmaster said, “And, it’s Prime Minister Shizue now. First Meta-human world leader.”

“Prime Minister?” Chase asked.

Nova said, “yes, after all the mess in North Onnotangu, the people elected her their first true democratically appointed Prime Minister.”

“They have a lot more faith in my leadership than I.” Shizue admitted.’

Chase said, “I’m sure you underestimate yourself.”

Nova nodded, “a trait that is common among the best world leaders I’ve met.”

Shizue said, “I have had some help from the World Corps.”

“World Corps?” Gar asked.

“Yes, Marshal Gamma has been instrumental in taking care of all the horrible technology our former dear leader had created, especially those awful weapons.”

“Marshal Gamma?” Nova was even surprised by this.

“Yes, he... oh, there he is. Marshal!” Shizue waved a man over.

A man in a strange military uniform, covered in badges and medals, approached. He had a bright smile, red hair, and a piercing blue eyes. “Director Nova, at last. I wanted to make your acquaintance.”

Nova cocked his head, “I’m afraid I am at the disadvantage. Who are you and what is this World Corps?”

Gamma retained that charming smile, “I’m with the World Corps, a new unity of nations born out of the former United Nations. They created a division called MHA, Meta Human Activities. My job is to monitor and handle situations involving super powered human, alien, and… other creatures.”

“That is my job. BADGE already deals with the meta-human activities on Earth.”

“Oh, I’m not replacing you. No, not at all. Merely, assisting. The MHA reports directly to the World Corps, so you don’t have to. I’m sure we won’t step on each other’s toes.”

“I’m sure.” Nova replied in a dry tone.

Just then EB and Quark approached, “NOVA!” EB grabbed Nova in a neck-hug. “Buddy!”

Nova peeled him off. “How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!”

EB playfully flicked Nova’s nose, “like I’d listen.”

“What do you want?”

“Oh, we just got out of the meeting with Lord Dragon and boy have I got stuff to tell...”

Sudden the crowds of heroes and dignitaries hushed and moved as the glorious team of Mythics entered the floor.

EB said, “oh, looks like he’s gonna tell you first.”

Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix approached, both dressed in glowing, regal apparel befitting their myths. The other mythics were equally impressive to see.

“Director Nova.” Lord Dragon bowed.

Nova returned the bow. “I understand you have had a meeting.”

“Yes. And, it is time to inform you our decision.”


Lord Dragon spoke so that all could hear him. “Seven centuries ago, my people arrived on this world, refugees of the horrible group known only as Legion. We took on the forms of the myths of your people and helped guide you to be ready for the day Legion arrived here. Though our goal was one of peace and protection, I regret that we have also brought about turmoil and pain. My son, Jinn almost destroyed this world twice in his pursuit of power. Krampus wreaked havoc last year and then again this year, both times causing death and destruction. Through the valiant efforts of the heroes of this world, both super powered and normal, neither Jinn nor Krampus prevailed. However, it burdens my heart to know that my people have caused so much chaos. Now that your world has faced and defeated Legion, we are no longer needed to help you. It is time we leave. Those of us who have regained our fullest strength will find a new place to call home. We shall be near this system of planets and offer aid at the request of Nova of BADGE, for he ranks as the most honorable of humans we have ever dealt with.”

“Now wait a minute!” Marshal Gamma stepped up, “there remains a criminal among your kind who needs punishment. The Phoenix will be summoned to the court of the World Corps.”

The fury in Nova’s eyes was only outdone by the rage in Lord Dragon who bellowed, “how dare you!”

Nova said, “Marshal, you’ll inform the court that the fault of the recent incident will be attributed to Krampus, not Lady Phoenix. And, tell them they have no say in this.”

Marshal Gamma left the room.

Lord Dragon turned back to Director Nova. “I am glad you understand our judgment on this matter.”

Nova bowed his head to Lady Phoenix, “completely.”

Lord Dragon continued, “there are two of our kind who have chosen to stay here.”

Santa Claus said, “I will remain here and continue to bring Christmas cheer. I will also offer any assistance to BADGE that I can.”

“I am glad to have you, old friend.” Nova said. Then, his voice weakened, and he almost whispered, “who is the other?”

Causing Nova to flinch slightly, EB bounced up and yelled, “ME!”

“Oh… I see.”

EB hopped around, “I have a lot of responsibility. Not only to my companies that make candy, and boy do I have a lot of new candy ideas. You know, I came up with several spicy chocolate ideas over the past few days, really want to try them out, gonna tastes so good. And, oh, what was I gonna say? Oh, right, I also have a job here at BADGE, helping. I mean, you’re good and all and have Gar and Chase, and Chase is like so hot and I just love being around her, and Gar is great, and Quark, I love his jokes, but also I gotta make you this special hot chocolate I came up with….”

EB rattled on and on as the party continued. By the end of the day, the rest of the Mythic’s bid their last farewell and left the station for a new home. For the last time, the mythics gazed upon the world they had come to love as home.
