Tuesday, December 22, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Operation "Krampus Krush" Day Two, Hour 9

by Chaz Hamilton

    Three-hundred and thirty seven heroes have attacked Krampus since this battle began yesterday. Think of that. There is nearly a hero engaged in this fight for every day in a year. Due to them, I truly believe we on this tiny planet will have the opportunity to see the new year.
    That is, if Director Nova and his agent’s, friends, and guardian angels can cope with Lady Phoenix. They were too late to protect the city of Hallows Port. The fires there have finally been brought under control, but with each report shared, the death toll increases. It appears that no single person survived her destructive wave.
    Except for the heroes she didn’t target. There were heroes between the arena she has claimed as her own as a launching ground for her new Legion. They were unscathed by her horrifying whim.
    What will happen when she turns her full attention onto our heroes?
    Will the people who have been evacuated be safe from her wrath? Can the heroes stop her?
    It makes sense that yesterday was the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. We all have been laid claim to by a long, dark night.
    But today, and every day to follow, we shall have a tiny bit more light to keep us warm and shine on our future. That is the promise our heroes make to us.
    They fight so one day we can bask in the light without fear and despair. They are here to protect us.
In this late hour, after thirty-three hours of constant struggle with Krampus, heroes continue to rail against the evil seeking to change our very world.
    Majestic and Senaka are both pummeling the beast with their abilities. According to my sources, I’m not exactly sure how ‘devilish sex appeal’ is going to be a useful ability in this fight, but Majestic’s giving it the old college try. Senaka, on the other hand, is… well, I’m not exactly sure, but if his attacks are as powerful as his intense stare, I’m sure Krampus is feeling some pain.
    PAIN-guin is back on the scene. One of these days I will have to ask him if and how he is related to Zen. There is a fair resemblance, but I’ve never seen Zen with large blades erupting at the ends of his flippers. Could PAIN-guin (get it, Penguin, PAIN-guin) be a product of some governmental experiment gone horribly wrong. If his entire skeleton is made of metal, wouldn’t it be extremely hard for him to swim?
    Cadaverdog has been reported blipping all over the restructured arena as he attacks Krampus. He appears and disappears, much to Krampus’s chagrin, almost seeming to fade in and out of existence as easily as pulling a blanket over your head while preparing for bed.
    The Awesome and Salvage have joined with Shadowwalker and Midgardsormr in a coordinated attack. Well, as coordinated as any attack with Midgardsormr could be. He tends to have tunnel vision on the field of battle, seeing a target and his victory while ignoring everything else.
    NMDS Baddd Santa rounds out this update on the battle. Some may call what he is doing on the battlefield ‘clowning around’ but his antics are merely a distraction to exploit weaknesses in his target.
    The ongoing results are pouring in from the devices measuring power output of the assembled heroes as well as Krampus’s own diminishing energy reserves. While he hasn’t been defeated as of yet, his speed and strength have noticeably diminished. If the B.A.D.G.E. technicians are correct, and I have faith that they are (because we have to trust the science), Krampus is below ninety percent of his initial power levels.
    That is due to the efforts of all heroes involved, but as everyone likes a top ten list, here are the heroes responsible for generating the most damage into Krampus’s sorry a…
472,331 Damage: Miðgarðsormr
439,181 Damage: ][][Hot Wings][][
415,960 Damage: ][][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][][
359,382 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti
345,248 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um
321,398 Damage: Belsnickel
304,859 Damage: The Avenger
302,232 Damage: Sevon
294,661 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas
261,422 Damage: ][][THE WIZARD][][
Good night, sourpuss. Krampus, if you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re gonna be toast before the sun rises.