Saturday, December 26, 2020

ADVICE on LEAGUE WAR PARTICIPATION (Part One of Three) by Dennis West

Toon 12189
Let me start off by saying that this guide was written for the free built and budget player teams of Heroes Rising. What this guide can and cannot do:
  • It cannot guide a free built team beat a all money team.
  • What it can do is help you beat a team slightly better than your own.
But, before I get into strategy, here are the basics for prepping and starting round one:

SCOUTING ROUND 1 Before the start of the first round. Have your team give you their stats. Write down your stats and gear. Scout the team you are going against. (Note this will not work against elite teams. Because about a week before league wars they hide their true stats, Which means if you ever want to beat them in Fight club or events. Now would be your chance.). What are the other teams strengths and gear. What are their weaknesses. Compare it to your own. This will give you a good idea where your team stands against them. This is only for the first round. Because you and your teammates can scout the other teams in your division free of loss. Since your team is not fighting them this round. Also before the start. Alternately you can give your best players stats to each of your teammates. Then let them watch the fight replays and fight accordingly.

ORGANIZING THE CHAOS. Have a piece of paper with your teammates names on it vertically. Now draw a line from under each teammates name to the end of the paper. Now turn the paper sideways and write the names of your opponents vertically. Draw a line under their names to the end of the paper. So you end up with something that looks like graph paper like this #. When a fight ends. Find the box where both player lines intersect and put a x in the square for a win. And either a 0 or a bowling spare mark for a loss. This will let you know who has fought. Who has lost to who and how many fights your team has left

1).Make sure all your players are fully geared up and items consumed.
2) Everyone knows what is expected of them. Some times this means your weakest players should stand pact and hope for a defensive win. I know its no fun but it might encourage them to improve their toon. Or at least level up.
3) Correct the mistakes made after every round win or lose.

If you win round one. It is a good idea to show your next opponents what good sportsman your team is by sending them congratulations on their win and good luck in the next round. Also if they are not too busy could they get them to sign this no fault accidental death and dismemberment clause. As it seems some of the survivors or there next of kin from your last opponents are suing your team.