Wednesday, December 30, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Lady Phoenix's Rage (Hour 8)

by Chaz Hamilton

ID# 22349

B.A.D.G.E. instruments are top of the line. Portable Energy Scanners, Bio-kinetic Waveform detectors, sonic devices that do just about anything (except wood), and a variety of other great gadgets. You won’t find any stuff like this at Best Buy.

While tracking the movement patterns and life-signs of our varied heroes, B.A.D.G.E. technicians also track the progress of the enemy combatants. And while Lady Phoenix has nearly overwhelmed each one of these devices, the data they provide has indicated Lady Phoenix is nearing a significant milestone in her eventual defeat.

Her output has dropped by nearly 25%. More heroes can strike at her, less burdened by the heat currents which previously made approaching the villainess hazardous. The heroes don’t need to move as far away to recharge their power batteries, as Lady Phoenix’s sphere of annihilation has compressed around her. It is still very early in this battle, but this is a good sign of eventual success.

I have a special treat for those following me right now. Blue Dragon has agreed to share a word or three with me about his powerful lead in the combat arena. This member of the Avengers is topping the charts with his attacks. While many members of the WMD league trail not to far behind his numbers, at the moment, Blue Dragon has a clear lead on damage output. Thank you, Blue Dragon, what would you have me say to the Sentinel followers out there?

“Well, to be honest, I have to say it is a bit of Holiday Overindulgence! Man, I cannot eat another bite of candy, turkey dinners, old bottles of energy drinks, you name it. Talk about cleaning out the fridge! One side effect from all this eating......I am getting...bigger! =)” -- ߣµε Drå§ô∩ 11279

Thank you for that advice, Blue Dragon. It would seem that a good diet is meaningful in the fight against villainy. Blue Dragon hasn’t been the only one doing the addition raid on the fridge. Many heroes have been seen munching on More-Fun bars, drinking their Hater-Aid, and wolfing down other holiday treats.

Fortunately, Lady Phoenix’s furnace has provided an excellent means by which to keep the ocean’s clean. I can’t say that carbon-emissions are low, but there isn’t a spec of trash floating out on the water either.

Here is a list of the top 10 heroes who have dealt significant damage to Lady Phoenix so far:

159,907 Damage: ߣµε Drå§ô∩

121,357 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

121,321 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

117,291 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

102,884 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

91,466 Damage: The Avenger

75,355 Damage: Slayer B.A.S. 5¹

72,708 Damage: †‡ Zen ﹤(") ‡† 5¹

71,603 Damage: Neach-dìon na h-Alba

71,556 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

On the scene at the moment, Ghost Ninja is attacking with Baby Yoda, Free John, and the Avenger. Zanazola Merlio ZM «₩» is firing arrows at Lady Phoenix with deadly accuracy. Powerman and Stormforce are taking the battle right to Lady Phoenix’s front doorstep.

I am working on getting a full count of the heroes active in this fight, but it seems there may just be too many. Next report, I will do my best to have that number for you.

Thank you again, Blue Dragon, for taking a moment to speak to the Sentinel News followers. Best of luck out there.

Suddenly, I’m craving Chinese food for dinner after all of this talking about dragons and phoenix.

Sorry, a bit of light humor in these desperate times. Stay tuned for the next update. This is Chaz Hamilton, signing off.