Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth Part 6


Chromatic Death sat on a large stone in the Arboretum and strummed on his guitar. For once, he wasn’t blasting sounds or shredding out a harsh chord. This was a soft lament. Honey bees zipped around him, birds sung in the trees nearby, the artificial sun met its apex on the dome of glass. Little robots worked on repairing parts of the glass still, the adventures of Halloween leaving marks all over this beautiful oasis among the stark, metallic world of the BADGE space station.

Krystal Fae walked by and quietly said, “if you don’t mind, please find another place to play. I don’t want to disturb him.”

With a huff, Chromatic stopped. Just as he was about to jump down from the rock, a deep voice said, “please...don’t stop playing.”

Both Chromatic and Krystal looked over to the massive dragon laying on his side in the middle of the Arboretum. Lord Dragon gently turned his head and looked at Chromatic with sad eyes. Chromatic gave a half smile, scooted back onto the rock, and continued the music.

Krystal walked over to the battered dragon, “sir. I didn’t know you were awake.”

“Sleep has evaded me for days. I remain still as I consider all that has happened. I think of all I have been forced to do. The lingering memories that hang in my tortured mind prevent rest. It is only by this music that I find any respite from the deep pain.”

“Can I do anything about the pain? We have medicine and I know a lot of special magic for healing.” She offered.

Lord Dragon said, “no, my dear. Mage or potion can not heal this pain. This is the pain of a heart forced to execute his own son, forced to fight his own wife. The pain that dwells in my soul is born from the regret of what my kind has done to your precious world. Woe is it to be tortured without fail. I brought our people here in hopes of peace. We sought refuge away from an enemy most foul. An enemy that destroyed without fail. We spent seven hundred years protecting this world from the sight of that enemy. Yet, they came anyway.”

Krystal smiled, “we fought and defeated Legion many times. We broke down their organization and sent the dregs of their armies fleeing. I’d say we did pretty good. And I know you and your kind helped us be ready for that. We owe you much.”

Lord Dragon turned his mighty head away from her, “ah, what you owe us? No, it is we who owe the people of this world. My son cost so many lives, turned so much to turmoil. Now, my wife, the woman whom I love greater than all others, is filled with evil and I cannot do anything to stop her. I fear we all are lost.”

“Lord Dragon, I...”

Lord Dragon turned his head away from her. “Ah, the music. Music, a language both our peoples speak. A skilled teacher, a great peacemaker, a simple harmony that binds the universe together by the essence of sound itself.” He mused as Chromatic strummed his gentle song.

Krystal quietly left the sorrowful Dragon and headed for the exit to the Arboretum. Director Nova walked in with Skelanimal beside him.

“Sir, he’s really depressed. I can’t help him.”

Nova held up his hand and continued. Skelanimal passed her, a strange collar around his neck. Krystal gave the villain a glare.

Director Nova approached Lord Dragon, “enough moping, we have a lot to figure out!”

Lord Dragon didn’t even look at Nova, “not today, my old friend.”

Nova walked around, grabbed one of Lord Dragon’s horns, and yanked his head to the side so they would look at each other. “We don’t have time to wallow in regrets. I want you to be part of this.”

Lord Dragon spent a moment looking at Nova, and then a brief smile came to his enormous mouth. “Always on the job. As you wish, I will be a part of this.” He flashed and transformed into his human appearance.

Nova shoved Skelanimal in between them. “Okay, talk.”

Skelanimal pushed his fingers around the collar, “I don’t need this thing. I said I ain’t your enemy no more.”

Nova scoffed, “Like I’m gonna trust you. It stays, and you stop complaining about it. Now, you said you wanted to tell me something about this whole ruby situation. Talk!”

Skelanimal sneered at Nova and then gained a little fear in his eyes at the sight of Chromatic Death sitting on the rock nearby. “Right, the ruby. Well, it’s like this. You know that I, sorta, had dealings with Legion when they were here.”

“Yes, you helped them occasionally.”

“I also fought them too,” Skelanimal protested. “Whatever. Anyway, I learned about a device they used to corrupt people and turn them evil. Well, not evil, it just enhanced their most wicked tendencies. The most goody person out there would suddenly be greedy and mean. Anyway, I had this idea. What if I took some powerful people and helped them let loose? Ya know, really be strong.”

Lord Dragon said, “evilness is not strength.”

“Yah. Yah, I know. Anyway, I thought I would get help from a Mythic, one that wasn’t popular. If I could team up with him, then I could build a bigger team. Kill at League Wars, get all the trophies, that kinda stuff.”

Nova was pinching the bridge of his nose. “You unleashed Krampus and tried to use an evil inducing machine just to get better trophies in League Wars?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Nova said, “what about the ruby?”

“Right, I used an old Legion laser to free Krampus, and he agreed to help me. Well, I realize now he was using me, but it was working. He had this plan, you see. Lady Phoenix lost her ruby, it was busted up real good by Jinn. We find all the shards, we can bring her back. Or, at least part of her. He said something about a host or whatever, I don’t know, this was all way above my head. I just knew we would have three of the most powerful people on Earth.”

“Three?” Nova sarcastically stated.

“Yeah, me, Krampus, and Lady Phoenix.”

“I count two, but go on.” Nova waved a hand.

Skelanimal sneered at him and continued, “anyway, that’s the deal. I don’t know if the machine is still around or not. But, if he used it on whatever that person is that came out of the fire, she’s as wicked as she can be. That thing really does a good job mess’n with people.”

Nova looked at Lord Dragon. “Lady Phoenix has always been the embodiment of good and kindness. I don’t see how some Legion tech could turn her evil?”

Lord Dragon said, “it is a sad truth, my old friend, that evil lurks in the hearts of all. It is the choice to be kind that defeats it. We Vexillians contain great power, and power can breed wickedness, as we found my in son, Jinn. Thus, it is possible.”

Nova asked Skelanimal, “you said he needed a host?”

“Yeah, something about putting the Lady Phoenix into someone. I said we could just nab someone on the street, but he said that wouldn’t work. He had an idea, and since he seemed to know more about this, I just went with it.”

Lord Dragon grew more interested in this, “what was his idea?”

“Not really clear on that. He grabbed that Chase chick, said she’d work. He seemed interested in her from before we got our hands on her. So, I think it was her.”

Nova said, “why Chase?”

Lord Dragon said, “this makes little sense to me. Bonding with a human is not possible, not with our power. I don’t understand.”

Just then Santa approached with EB at his side, “I believe I can answer that.”

EB ran over and hugged Lord Dragon’s leg, “it’s so good to see you awake, sir.” He quickly held up an egg, “here, eat this.”

Nova asked, “Santa, what do you know?”

“I have something to tell you, something that no one here knows of. Chase…. is my daughter.”

“What?” EB, Chromatic Death, and Nova all said this at the same time.

Lord Dragon’s eyes narrowed, and a look of fierce anger grew on his face. “Explain!”

Just then Nova’s comm device buzzed and Commander Justin came through, “Director, please come to the Operations. Something’s happening you need to see.”
