Sunday, December 20, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 11

 Starmaster landed on the cliff near The Closer. Both watched dozens of heroes zooming in. Those heroes already present were taking up positions around the floating castle.

The Closer clicked his comm. “Dr. Silver-Strange, go tell Timebender to keep his league at a greater distance. We don’t want to provoke her any more right now.”

His league mate gave him a wave and then flew over to intercept the newest additions.

Starmaster asked, “can you get in touch with BADGE? My comm isn’t working.”

The Closer punched in the key code and all that came through was fuzz. He shook it and tried again. “Nothing.”

“This isn’t good. If we can’t get Nova on the line, we’re going at this blind.”

The Closer said, “they should have this corrected quickly. If not, I can...” both jerked when the scream of jet engines blasted by.

Starmaster watched a team of military jets flying toward the castle. “What is that?”

“My guess, the military is sending in their guns.”

Starmaster shook his head, “the last orders I got was to keep all civilians away from this.”

“They’re military, not technically civilians,” The Closer stated. “But, they are no match for her.”

“What do we do? Stop them?”

The Closer huffed and held up his comm device, “we need to alert BADGE.” Using his mechanical arm, he shot something into the comm.

“What are you doing?”

“Making a call.”

Nova paced in the Operations center. Two repair robots focused on the damaged communications station. Commander Justin assisted, though he was merely observing.

Nova asked, “any progress?”

One robot turned its head around while the hands continued to work. “Installation of a secondary junction will take approximately two hours. You will be informed upon completion.”

“Work faster.”

“Command unclear. Please restate..”

“Shut it. Just keep working.” Nova beat his fist against his forehead. “This is ridiculous.” Nova jumped when a loud fuzzy sound filled all the speakers. The flickering of light caught his attention as he turned to find the main monitors coming back on. “What the?”

An Operations robot stated, “unknown program. Communication incoming from unknown source.”

Commander Justin left the repair bots and checked the station. “Sir, we have someone hacking in through the old signal. They’re bouncing a signal off our satellite and using the comm system in the old base in New York. We are receiving this through… a general data port on deck seven. How’s that possible?”

Suddenly the fuzzy screen became the image of The Closer looking at his communicator. “Oh, good, BADGE HQ.”

“How did you...”

“Nanites, hacking computers, and using an emergency backup system on the station. Lots of details, not the issue. We have a bigger problem.” He swung his communicator over and showed the jets flying by. “My people have counted at least four dozen military craft already approaching. And I bet there’s a lot more coming in.”

“Damn! Why don’t they ever listen?”

“What do we do, sir?” The Closer asked.

Nova gave this some thought before finally saying, “can we use this uplink to access the old BADGE comm system?”

“Sure. Just track the link back. Should be fine.”

“Good. Now, hold your positions and wait further instruction.”

“Understood.” He clicked off his comm, but the fuzzy screen remained.

Justin worked at the station, “this is crazy. He has hacked right through the old system and created a new uplink program.”

“Do we have full access to BADGE New York?”

“” Justin looked up as the screen changed back to normal, as it had been before the destruction.

Nova turned and went right to work. “Computer, access emergency military contact data, authorization, Nova Omega Beta Pi Alpha.” The computer put the code in and then waited with a blank screen. “Okay, computer, access all communication channels for military forces in the Atlantic region.”

Justin asked, “what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to save their lives.”

The computer said, “communication systems bypassed. Full access.” Suddenly there were dozens of voices coming through, people giving other people orders or reporting on what they were seeing. These were the pilots of the aircraft currently flying toward the castle.

Nova cleared his throat and said, “This is Director Nova of BADGE. Call off your approach of the castle over the Atlantic.”

Several voices answered at once. Finally, one voice came through alone. “This is Captain Nelson with the United States Airforce. You do not have clearance to be on this channel.”

“Like hell I don’t. But, we don’t have time. Listen to me, Captain, if you provoke the enemy inside that castle, you won’t live to report this to anyone above you. Turn your crafts around, now.” More voices came through.

A British voice said, “Get off this channel at once. We’re going into full silent approach.”

Captain Nelson said, “agreed, all pilots, silent approach. Comms off.”

This was followed by clicking sounds and a growing silence.

Nova yelled, “Listen to me! Turn around!”

Justin answered, “no one is on the line.”

“Sensors, weapon’s report!”

A robot stated, “all approaching aircraft are arming weapons and applying target locks.”

“On screen!”

They watched from above as the jets approached the castle from all sides. A barrage of missiles flew out and met the sides of the structure in a spectacular explosion. The jets flipped up and shot into the sky to avoid the blast. There was a moment of hopeful silence that this foolhardy attack actually accomplished something. The ball of fire and smoke blew away, and the castle remained unscathed.

Suddenly an indicator beeped wildly as a robot announced, “power signature growing at rapid rate. Danger detected.”

A bright light formed inside the castle.

“No!” Nova looked back, “ALL COMMS, NOW!”

Justin flicked a switch and nodded.


The Closer raced away, smashing through a passing plane and grabbing the pilot right out of her seat. Other heroes were either fleeing themselves or rescuing pilots. Starmaster vanished away and reappeared holding a man by the arms.

Fleagle yelled as he dashed across the ground. “GET AWAY, IT’S GONNA BLOW!”

The castle flickered and then flashed with the brilliance of an atomic bomb. A wave of energy exploded out from it, not hurting a single shred of the metal structure. All the aircraft disintegrated in the explosion.

The Closer turned to watch as the energy came upon them faster than they could flee. He turned his back to the wave, keeping the pilot he held protected by his body. The energy didn’t even move him. Yet, the woman in his arms screamed and was atomized, blowing out his grip as if he held ash.

“What... the?”

Hotwings landed nearby, “my pilot... he...”

Starmaster came between them, “she punished the pilots for what they did.”

The Closer looked back at the castle, “Oh, god, what kind of power does she control?”

Nova watched with bated breath as they witnessed that same wave of energy spread out.

“Sir, The Closer is contacting us.”

“Put him through.”

The Closer came on, “Director, we tried. We had them. But…” his image flickered and went black.

The Lady Phoenix replaced him, smiling from her throne. “Hello again, Nova. Hope you enjoyed the little show. Now, enough of this stalling. The challenge is set. I am waiting.”

Nova yelled, “We aren’t playing your games! No one is going to accept your challenge!”

“Pity. Then, I shall punish your world until they capitulate.” The screen flicked off.

“What does she mean?” Justin asked.

“I dread the thought. Sensors, full spread. Get me the heroes, we...”

That beeping again, the robot announced another power surge.

The Closer waited with the others as their comms were all still blank.

“This makes no sense. Nothing I do will make it work. It’s like something is blocking it from operating. I…. what is it?” Fleagle had been tapping his arm.

Starmaster rose higher, “oh dear lord.”

A ball of energy formed from the top of the castle. The giant orange and red orb grew with intensity, beaming out a bright light.

“RUN!” Starmaster yelled just as the energy ball blasted out.

The heroes were just about to flee when the energy bypassed them. They all watched in horror as it careened into Hallows Port, a city with massive docks and a shipyard right on the coast. An aircraft carrier, several destroyers, hundreds of small civilian crafts, the dock, the buildings, the streets, everything exploded, showering the ocean water with debris.

Nova went pale as the scene played out on his monitors. A city the size of Knoxville Tennessee was completely leveled in one second. Suddenly the screen flicked back to the Lady Phoenix.

“My dear Nova, perhaps now we can discuss who will challenge me?”
