Monday, December 21, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Operation "Krampus Krush" Hour 4

By Chaz Hamilton

ID# 22349

Operation “Krampus Krush” Hour 4

What began with the hope of being a walk in the park has become a trudge through foot-high snowdrifts. Krampus seemed as if the heroes were going to make him an early Christmas angel, but it is turning out as if Krampus’s midnight oil is going to keep on going and going and going…

Not that our heroes won’t triumph. They have faced greater threats than this.

Haven’t they?

If Krampus was the only threat, I would have no doubt about the outcome we are witnessing here. The former B.A.D.G.E. League War Arena is hosting a beatdown. Krampus is standing and taking every punch, kick, energy blast, and whatever other attack the heroes can deliver.

Slayer B.A.S. is running up and using Mr. Pointy to pierce Krampus’s thick hide, cutting him down to size with her witty banter as she strikes.

Krystal Fae is hurling bolts of pyrsmagical energies. Did I just create a new word? Prysmagical? If you can’t see it for yourself, the best way I can describe it is every color of the rainbow touching onto Krampus and igniting or exploding with a varied effect based on the hue that strikes him. 

(What. It’s called a Prysmatic Spr--. I think that term is trademarked. Let’s go with Prysmagical.)

One of the most dapper heroes I’ve encountered, the Gentleman, is fighting with what appears to be old-fashioned pistols. Blue-grey bringers of peace and death, I believe are the terms he uses for his sandalwood-handled firearms.

Crossroads is there as well, using her unique abilities to surprise Krampus with attacks from other heroes. She has coordinated with different energy projecting individuals and they fire through one of her open portals and attack Krampus from unexpected vectors.

Have you ever seen a supervillain getting attacked straight up their main street? I have, and it is glorious.

The B.A.D.G.E. field scientists have shared their latest analysis with me just now. Krampus is continuing to lose energy. He is currently nearly down twenty percent from where he began. Nothing is for certain, but I will take this as good news. Should the heroic efforts continue as they have been, before dawn, Krampus should be defeated.

Cross your fingers, true believers. Clap your hands like Tinkerbell is on her deathbed. I’ve been told Krampus is vulnerable to psychic or mental damage, so let’s add our own good thoughts to this battlefield.

Currently the top 10 combatants when it comes to the efforts to knocking Krampus out are:

78,427 Damage: «₩» NightShadow ‡† 5¹

68,607 Damage: ♦ Belsnickel ♦

68,173 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

65,524 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas

62,714 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

61,277 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

59,965 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

58,161 Damage: Ho Ho Ho

56,488 Damage: Spankmyster

56,485 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

Did you make note of that last entry in the top 10? Skelenimal is on the front line with so many other heroes, hacking and slashing like a frenzied gremlin. I can only hope that he has seen the error in his ways and fights for the good of us all and not as a ploy waiting to be sprung on his current companions.

Dozens of heroes without the training and experience of the mighty heroes we know as everyday names have also entered the fray. It is easy to commend the top ranks of fighters, but every member of an army has its purpose and deserves our respect. Each of them who has engaged Krampus could be the one who deals the final knockout blow that brings Krampus low.

As the night progresses, keep good thoughts in your heads. Lady Phoenix hasn’t taken much interest in the fight so far, but I can only imagine that she will bring her wrath into play at some point.

I pray that Director Nova and his inner circle have a plan in mind for dealing with a powerful foe such as her. There are many other cities on the coast that could be targeted by her foul mind. There have been emergency orders calling for all cities in a one-thousand mile radius to evacuate.

Hopefully this will be enough. Gods, let this be enough. Don’t allow any more children to be harmed, families to suffer loss, or villains to laugh maniacally. Enough is enough. Let’s have a win for the good guys this go around.

I’ll see you soon with another update. This is Chaz Hamilton, keeping an eye on the scene for you all.