Tuesday, December 22, 2020

RAID UPDATE: Operation "Krampus Krush" Hour 8

By Chaz Hamilton (Collaboration Lykos ID: 18321)

    Chaz Hamilton here once more. I’ve been in contact with some of our heroes engaged in the battle with Krampus as they catch their breaths between attacks.
Lycos had this to say:

"That thing was big and mean, and during that first hour, we were killing it. Then he pulled the, 'I'm not really left-handed' thing and got stronger. I need some pain meds... " ~ Lykos

He went on to tell me more about his experience from the onset of the fight.

“I got the call from Nova while I was deep in the sewers after chasing Skelanimal through muck and grime and God knows what else. I made my way back up to the surface and rushed to the battle against Krampus.”

“I could not believe the sight of the monster. He was huge, and he was already fighting multiple Capes at once. I saw the big names hitting and getting hit. What use was I going to be?”

“I shrugged and just said, "Screw it" and ran at the thing. I let off five hits pretty fast. I grinned and looked up at Krampus, only to realize he didn't even know I was there. Nothing. He hadn't even felt it.”

“Angered, I ate some More-Fun bars and hit him again, and again, and again...”

“Maybe he felt one of those, or maybe he just moved his foot into me - either way, I went flying and ended up watching the stars for a few minutes. Dazed, I crawled back to me knees and looked up at the mighty Krampus and was stunned. The one I had been searching for, crawling through every disgusting sewer and tunnel under the city was there - fighting Krampus - And putting the Big Hurt on the Big Guy.”

“Skelanimal was like a blur. He bounced around Krampus' head, hitting in three places, then bouncing down to his stomach, hitting twice, and then taking out a kneecap. I was in awe, and terrified that THIS is what I had been chasing. Holey Crap!”

“I grabbed the last of my More-Fun bars and ran back into the fray. Despite the minimal damage I was causing, I was able to see some amazing Capes in action that I only hear about. Their constant barrage was knocking Krampus about, keeping him disoriented.”

“I did my part by kicking his foot uselessly.”

“Now, I am out of Bars. I am out of steam. All I can do is sit and rest, recover, and throw a few hands and then sit and rest. Like some magic Bell, I realized we had hit a milestone - 25%. We had done a quarter of the damage to the Big Guy.”

“OK... We can do this. We Got This. Let's Go!”

Well stated, Lycos. Krampus has slowly been depleted of one-quarter of his energy reserves, but it has come with costs. Heroes are tiring out as well, but the forces Director Nova has marshalled continue to rally to this combat zone.

And still, Lady Phoenix has done nothing beside stare with an arched eyebrow, bemused by the ants frolicking at her whim and pleasure.

These heroes are at the current top range of the damage count:

129,882 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][

115,379 Damage: 5th's Nightmare Before Christmas

113,065 Damage: ~666~ Lump$um

105,031 Damage: ♦ Belsnickel ♦

104,842 Damage: «₩» NightShadow ‡† 5¹

104,030 Damage: ♦ Moonrider ♦

95,066 Damage: ~666~ Falconetti ♦♞♦

94,286 Damage: ][☣]✡[THE WIZARD]✡[☣][

83,372 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork ♦

78,579 Damage: TheCloser⁵ᵗʰ

I look forward to bringing you more in the next update. Hopefully more heroes will take a few minutes to share their experiences on the front line.