Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Chase the Myth part 7

The theater inside the BADGE station flickered with the dull light of It’s a Wonderful Life. Currently, George Bailey stood near the edge of a bridge, contemplating the many tragedies that piled up on him. The rushing icy waters under the bridge reminded him of that fateful day in his childhood, and a kind face appears to give him hope... even though he doesn’t want it.

Strange Quark tossed another bottle on the pile and immediately grabbed a new one and flicked the cap off with his thumb. He upended it and drank a healthy amount. He took a drink as Clarence jumped into the waters.

“Come on, Gar, I can sense you in the room.” Quark said after downing practically another entire bottle.

Gar walked down the aisle to the front of the theater. He’s demeanor was that of a child who had watched his puppy get hit by a car. “I... I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Quark laughed, tossed the newly emptied bottle with the rest, and then said, “go on, disturb me. I’ve watched this movie ten times in a row already.” He pressed a button on the arm of his chair and the sound muted for the movie.

Gar walked over and sat down in a rather large seat to compensate for his wings. He tried to say something, but fought to find words. Finally, he decided on a different topic, “ are you doing?”

Quark picked up another bottle, but then didn’t open it. “Better, I guess. I haven’t felt normal in a long time. Okay, normal for me, that is. Now that I know I had something in me, I realize what this was.” He rifled through his collection of liquors and found a fresh bottle. “How are you holding up?”

Gar seemed to grow distant as he answered, “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know how you feel?”

“No. I have been guilty, then angry, then mean. I have yelled at Director Nova, I have punched things, and I have sat quietly. I am happy to have you back, very happy. But, I am still... still... not whole.”

Quark said, “I heard you were next to my bed in the hospital, telling me jokes. That means a lot to me.”

“You did the same thing when I was turned into a statue by Jinn.”

“True. And I suppose we both did it for the same reason.”

Gar said, “back, when my father was killed. I was alone. No one in this world even knew of least I didn’t think they did, Nova somehow did. But, when I buried my father and sat by his grave, I wanted to stop living. Life had no meaning left. Then, Nova took me in, and then I met Chase and you… and that gave me a new meaning.”

Quark looked up at the screen, watching Clarence talk to George. “I think I understand.”

“When we lost Chase, I would do anything to save her. Then we lost you, and I was ready to fight Krampus on my own just to get both of you back. We got both of you... and then... we lost her.”

“I know what you mean. I could see everything, hear everything. Krampus messed my head up real bad, but I could still fight. I did everything I could. We were winning, dammit! It was finally going to be over. The three of us back together, pestering Nova, saving the world. But,...” Quark threw his bottle and smashed it against the screen, “GAH! Why did she have to take her! Why did I have to lose my mind at the wrong time! WHY!”

“Quark... I have never seen you so angry.”

Strange Quark sat back, “I’m sorry. I have been trying to bury this so I wouldn’t lose my temper like that. It’s just... I know something that I don’t want anyone else to know. Yet, I will have to tell them eventually, and... I don’t want to.”

Gar frowned, “what?”

Quark had actual tears in his eyes, “Chase is going to die.”


Santa sat with EB and Lord Dragon in the Arboretum. He had spun the whole story of how he found Chase as a baby and raised her. Both EB and Lord Dragon ate chocolate eggs. Lord Dragon needed the strength, EB just likes chocolate.

Santa quietly said, “after that, I set her up in a new life. I only took away her memories of her life with me. Her skills and even most of her knowledge about history remained. She woke in a hospital believing she had a terrible case of Amnesia.”

EB asked, “what would she do for money and a home and stuff?”

“I provided her an apartment in the name I gave her. Then I set her up in a job working at a toy store in town. I thought she would enjoy that. I kept a watch on her.”

EB flopped over on his stomach, put his face in his paws, and wiggled his feet as he asked, “so, when did she become this super sexy master thief?”

Santa frowned at that description. “It didn’t take long for her to guide her own path in life. I couldn’t interfere. She used the skills my dear brother taught her and became a master thief. I watched her and did what I could to discourage this. My only relief was that she never used her skills to kill innocent people. She was a thief... but she had some morals about the sanctity of life.”

EB chomped on his chocolate egg and then said, “kinda cool that she was one of the people who gained morphon powers. How fortunate was that?”

Lord Dragon finally spoke, “not fortunate, designed. By infusing her with our power, she was a conduit for morphonic energy. It is amazing she didn’t garner even greater powers.” his tone was cold and angry.

Santa nodded, “yes. I realized that the moment I saw she had gained powers. I knew it was my fault. Lord Dragon, I am very sorry for keeping this secret from you all these years. Until this situation, I saw no reason to divulge this. I had hoped she would live out her life and all would end well.”

EB laughed, “I don’t see a problem. You saved that cute little baby and raised her. She musta had some great life, living in Santa’s workshop. Boy...I...I...” he saw that look on Lord Dragon’s face, “I... should probably shut up now.”

Lord Dragon slowly turned his stone gaze from the bubbly bunny to Santa. “It is impressive that you spent two centuries keeping such a secret from myself. I respect your position in finding that baby and feeling generous toward her. Your generosity has been one of your greatest features. However, this is why I forbid us to be too connected to humans. You fell prey to the weakness we would all suffer. Watching them grow old and pass on is painful, but a fact of life on this world. We do not age as they.”

“I just couldn’t watch her die. She... she was family. My brother was and is a spiteful, arrogant, haughty, tyrant. He was always like this. To have a family who shared a laugh, enjoyed life, and wasn’t evil was a dream. I lost everyone when we left our world, except my wicked brother. I spent five centuries here with only Krampus to keep me company. My elves aren’t even real creatures. Angela was the most beautiful part of my life.”

Lord Dragon said, “I cannot condemn you for this. I have realized that I gave myself a luxury that no one else was afforded. The company of a loving family. You were the only other of our kind to have a family with you, and I only assigned Krampus to you so you could keep a close eye on his evils. I had my wife with me every day. I lost sight of the pain I inflicted on our people by separating us and then ordering everyone to keep distance between them and humans.”

“I have come to accept that I had a choice entirely of the heart, and I do not apologize for that. I would never trade my time with my daughter for anything.” Santa took in a shaky breath as he grew morose. He said, “Lord Dragon, I need to know.”

EB frowned, “know... what?”

Lord Dragon spent a moment, a great sorrow growing on his brow. “Yes, Chase will not survive this. We have no choice.”

“No,” Santa whispered. “There has to be a way.”

“Lady Phoenix is crucial. She is still alive. We must save her, for the sake of our people and the humans. It is a great weight to my heart as well, but Chase’s life is a small cost compared to what could happen.”

Santa stood up and yelled, “I won’t accept that!” And marched out before Lord Dragon could rebuke him.

EB hopped up, “Santa!”

“Let him be,” Lord Dragon said. “He needs to come to terms with this. We must prepare ourselves.”
