Saturday, June 12, 2021

BDP: Flooding the KOTM


by Chaz Hamilton

With the flood of activity in the KOTM events with the Heroes Rising 2nd Birthday Celebration, beginning on June 1st, it is easy to see the lengths some people will go to for a win. None of them are illegal or immoral, but show that there is a game behind the fight before the first punch is thrown. All heroes can learn to make use of these BDPs (Best Demonstrated Practices).

Let's start with an easy observation. The fights start at the top of the hour. Why does this matter? Well, if you are paying attention to the time and are one of the first fifteen people into the event, you have a worthwhile advantage. It costs you nothing to enter the match and if you go unchallenged in your position, you've earned your prize completely free of consequence. This is important to players being mindful of their experience gains. If you want to say low and slim, show up early and get in line first. That way you might not even have to work to win. 

Early placement definitely has its advantages in Chrono events. The sooner in, the more points you can likely accumulate.

One factor that has revealed itself over time is that wise players gauge their experience gains. Two league wars ago, PAIN-GUIN sped-leveled within the period of time after his league registered for league wars and gained more levels than I can count before the first battle round. Talk about some serious 'roid rage, or should I say 'guin-rage? 

Fast leveling can be beneficial but only if done right. There are those that level quickly and find they don't have the income to support their gains or the Power Cards and gear to be competitive in the positions they end up in. KOTM battles can put on the experience quickly as you climb the ladder. Smart players are watching for ways to reduce the gains by getting in at choice times on the clock, or in other ways.

If you are part of a league, you have the potential for a great means of support from your teammates. If you work together, or are put in the hands of a smart controller, it is possible to FLOOD a KOTM challenge. Put one particular team member in first, one who might be in need of some rewards to help power up, and then fill the subsequent ranks with other stronger "blockers" that keep challengers from getting steal the weaker character's position. This is a strong technique on TWO fronts.

First, if it works to your advantage, you have secured a placing position for a needy companion. But if it doesn't work, it still has a use. You've made that opponent fight more than one fight to get the position, earning them more experience and possibly eventually leading to that player being to high a level for that division.

Yes, watching your own experience gains is important, but it is also useful to force opponents to work so hard they need to push themselves to gain double or triple the amount of experience needed to claim the reward. 

If you pay attention, you will often see people join the KOTM challenge and just ride out what happens without fighting at all. It works great if you can hit that sweet spot and go unchallenged, Free, free-free-free, free.

Lastly, you can often see players avoiding claiming the GOLD, first place position, instead keeping their spot in the SILVER second thru fifth positions. Why? To avoid losing the opportunity to continue on in the division that they can own for the next three challenges. The winning prize for GOLD placement isn't cumulatively as good as three rounds worth of prizes at SILVER.

There are likely many more tricks to effectively navigating KOTM challenges. Keep them secret, keep them safe, so you can use that knowledge to your advantage. Just remember, it isn't only about how to win yourself, but sometimes it is valuable to keep an eye out on what will help cause your opponent to lose...
