Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: A Hollywood Ending Part 13

 “We are back with the One Hundred and Fifth annual Academy Awards.” The announcer said as the gathered celebrities applauded. “And here to speak is Director Benjamin Mastrovito.”

A tuxedo clad B.S. Mastrovito walked out as he waved to the A-listers. “Thank you, thank you.” He stepped up to the mic. “As you know, this past year we began production on the latest Arx movie.” A murmuring came with that mention. “I know. We were all stunned when our beloved Arx turned against the heroes of Earth. We’re thankful that the genuine heroes of this world worked together and defeated him before he could do any real harm. We wanted to thank BADGE and their heroes for taking down Arx. Trust me, world, Arx does not represent the true nature of this industry. We respect honor and goodness, not selfish arrogance. At this time, I would like to take a moment and make the official announcement on who will replace the role of Arx in the movie.”

Suddenly, a giant H crashed through the ceiling and killed Benjamin Mastrovito. People screamed and raced away from the stage. The doors of the room sealed on their own and no one could open them.

Where this H had crashed through the ceiling, Arx came flying down. He wore nothing but a pair of royal purple briefs and a glimmering smile. The room fell silent as the trapped celebrities watched him take the stage.

“What, no applause?” He stepped onto the stage and pointed at the tables. “SIT!”

The people had no other choice. They timidly returned to their seats.

Arx smiled, “now, let’s go on with the show, shall we?” He waved his hands and the cameras worked on their own, his control over tech empowering them. “I think it’s time to get some things straight. First, the role of Arx cannot be recast. I AM ARX! The next movie will come out and everyone will go see it. Second, it’s time this town learns to respect me. I’m no longer just another actor, I’m a god. Every studio will bow to my whims, every media outlet will obey. I’ll be the biggest celebrity this industry has ever produced.” He smiled at a pretty actress near the stage. “For now, I desire a harem of the best. I’ll provide a list of names. Those women will come to me and give into my desires. Everyone else, you’ll bring me your awards and your money as tribute. You will worship me and...”

An older man said, “you’ll not get away with this. BADGE will stop you, they did it before!”

An invisible force yanked the poor man out of his seat, and he flew across the room. His neck met Arx’s hand. He gagged as Arx said, “BADGE hasn’t been able to stop me yet. Who are you to threaten me?” He looked down and the golden statue on the table came to him. He read it, “a film editor. I’d expect such balls from a producer or exec.” The gagging stopped when the man’s neck snapped. The old man fell on the stage, dead. People in the room gasped at the sight of his limp body.

Arx laughed and rose into the air. He held out his hands, and the cameras lifted and hovered around him. “Alright, heroes of the world, just try to stop me. It’s your funeral. I don’t expect anyone, even BADGE, to dare touch me. If you want to try, I’ll be on the Hollywood sign, where these bozos will bring their tributes.”

He flew straight up, blasting another hole in the ceiling. The cameras crashed to the ground, and a general wave of silent fear permeated the room.


Nova fumed as he watched the spectacle on the screens before him. Dozens of media outlets displayed the sickening display of Arx lounging on the Hollywood sign, with a broken H, while lines of people fed into piles of stuff for him.

A man spoke on the news, “this is the continuing scene in Los Angeles. Arx, a villain once thought dead, now controls the city and it’s population. Strange forces of nature prevent any military movement. It seems the once Box Office hero has become even more powerful as a villain. Earlier at the academy awards…” The screen suddenly changed as Arx used his powers to force the flying media drones to get closer.

He smiled at the cameras and ran his hand down his body. “Enjoy the view, my public. I am the perfection you can never have! Adore me!” He grabbed a handful of grapes and shoved them in his mouth as he let the drones fly away.

Chase came into the room. “Sir, we have made certain that the civilians within a hundred-mile radius of L.A. have been evacuated.”


She said, “the problem now is… we can’t get anyone inside L.A. to protect the civilians there. His powers are too strong. Nature bends to his will, I don’t know what we can do.”

Just then, EB zipped into the room and stood in front of Nova. “Let me at ‘em. I’m get that silver jerk the egging of his life. He thinks he’s got powers, he ain’t nothing compared to a mythic!” He hopped around, shadowboxing.

Nova answered, “No. I need you here to monitor Magic.”

EB stopped, “really?”

“Yes. Arx is dangerous, but he has one vulnerability, his ego. He has challenged us, and that means we can get to him if we meet his challenge.”

Chase asked, “what if it’s a trap.”

Nova picked up his Emergency Comm Unit. “Arx is many things now, but clever isn’t one of them. No, he wants the challenge merely to prove his superiority. He believes he is unstoppable and that will be his biggest flaw. He has given us an opening, and he doesn’t expect us to take the bait, but we will, and that will truly surprise him. Now, get to the shuttles. I want the heroes on the station moved down to the planet and ready to strike. EB, go to the Arboretum, you’re in charge of making sure Magic remains here and safe.”

“Aye, aye, buddy, come rain, sleet, mercs, or bad actors, I’ll not be stopped.” He gave a quick salute and zipped away.

Nova clicked on his special comm unit. “Nova to all Leagues and rogue heroes, we have a situation in Hollywood. Arx has challenged us, go meet his challenge, and do not fail. Use all opportunities to save civilians once you are inside the L.A. perimeter. Arx must be stopped! MOVE!”
