Sunday, June 20, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: A Hollywood Ending Part 7

 Director Nova spoke with Dr. Stone in the Operations center. The scientist hovered over a computer while he checked several monitors at once. “I don’t get it. How they can just vanish? Everything I studied in the lab points to the fact that once morphons are in the body, they stay. I cannot find any reason to believe otherwise. So, dead or alive, we should see these avatar people.”

“We have to assume our enemy has the technology to block our sensors.”

Dr. Stone sat down and rubbed his eyes. “If they do, then they’re smarter than us. This tech, these sensors, are entirely unique. No one should even know how they operate. I invented them a short time ago.”

“I have learned never to underestimate this enemy. They are many steps ahead.”

A robot said, “Director Nova. Incoming transmission from World Corps Security Office.”

“Good. Put her through.” Nova walked down to the front of the room, standing now in front of the main monitors.

An older woman glared at him. “Director, please update us on the situation with those Mercenary forces?”

“We’re still tracking and working to stop them. However, we have little information to share.”

“That you are willing to share.” She attempted to correct him.

Nova kept that calm demeanor, even though her tone was rude. “BADGE is not part of the World Corps, there are things we must keep secret. In this case, I’m telling you all we know. This enemy seems to be ahead of us at every turn.”

“I suppose this is why you sent this interesting request to my desk.” She held up a tablet.

Nova nodded, “yes. The safest place to hold these Avatars from being captured is on the BADGE station. I don’t want to move a lot of our heroes up here while the enemy is still active on Earth. However, BADGE does not have a large dedicated security force. It would be in both our interests for you to grant my request.”

She gave him a long, quiet glare. “I will discuss this with the others. You will have your answer soon.”

“Thank you.” The screen shut off, and he muttered, “bitch.”


A BADGE shuttle maneuvered over the peninsula of Florida, heading south as they followed the long state. Soon, they were over open water just before reaching a highly developed island.

“What is this place?” Master of Supernatural asked.

Justin said, “This is the city of Poseidon Island, a large resort town that is nearly as crowded as Tokyo.”

“Sir, I have a lock on the location of the Fight Club, but no landing zone nearby.”

“Get us in the street. We don’t have time for formalities. If the local government complains, I’ll let Nova deal with it.”


A hero flew up and waved at them from outside.

Justin clicked his comm unit and spoke to this person. “Do us a favor and monitor the skies. If you see anything coming, let us know.”

The hero gave a swift wave of approval and flew away.

A crowd cheered and passed money around as they gathered in the streets. It was nearly impossible for the BADGE shuttle to land amid this chaos. No sooner had they landed did several police cars come screaming up to them.

Justin stepped out, his BADGE credentials already in his hand to show the cops. “Hello, we’re from BADGE. I’m sorry about blocking the street, this won’t take long.”

The police officer shook her head. “We aren’t here about you, we’re here about this crowd. It has already blocked three streets.”

“Has something happened?” Justin asked.

“I don’t know. This crowd has been growing for hours and I’m here to break it up.” She reached the thick gathering and tapped a man on the shoulder. “Sir, what’s going on?”

He looked back and became worried at the sight of the officer. “Uh, sorry, there’s this fight going on in there that’s like totally amazing. Both are just beat’n the crap outta the other.”

Justin let out an annoyed sigh as he said, “I think I know what’s going on. Those two are why we’re here. I’m here to get them out of here.”

The officer narrowed her eyes at him. “Then get them out before this gets any worse.”

Justin pushed and pulled on people. “Hey, move it. BADGE officer coming through. I…”

A man shoved him down and then said, “wait yer turn, puny.”

Justin stood up, brushed himself off, and pulled out his gun. However, before he could get their attention, Master of Supernatural put a hand on his shoulder. “Allow me.”

Backing up, Justin wasn’t sure what to make of this action. However, he was sure that this creature was more than capable of getting people’s attention. Master of Supernatural stepped up to the crowd. His wings stretched up and beamed a brilliant silvery white light. He spoke with a massive voice that echoed across the city. “MOVE YOURSELVES OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED!”

The crowd lost its noise as many turned to see who just bellowed at them. Several gasped and immediately dove away. Some bowed and left, a few conducted prayer rituals at the sight of him. In a matter of seconds, there was a wide path for them to follow.

Laughing, Justin slid his gun back into the holster. He moved through the crowd with Supernatural right behind him. He could hear the crashing and banging ahead as two people continued their unending fight.

Master of Strength flew backward and crashed into a wall. He quickly grabbed a large set of barbells and swung them just as Gar reached him. The barbells cracked against Gar, shattering the weights and sending the stone hero flying through a wall. No sooner had Gar hit the ground did he have a pair of weights in his hands that he threw right at Master of Strength.

“Hey, guys! Enough!” Justin attempted to intervene and almost got clobbered when Strength shoved him aside to go after Gar.

Gar hit Strength in the jaw as Strength hit Gar in the stomach and both flew away from each other. The crowds outside were slowly losing their awe and returned to their cheering and betting.

Supernatural held out his hands, and a light glow came from them. A light pushed both Gar and Strength back. “End this fight, now!”

Gar stopped struggling, but Strength roared and pushed past the light and raced toward Supernatural in a fit of rage. Supernatural coolly twisted around, grabbed Strength by the hand as he passed, and threw him out of the building and into the street.

Justin rushed over to Gar. “You okay?”

Gar calmed down from his fury. “I… I think so. I got lost in the fight. He was so powerful.”

Justin looked around the Fight Club. “You wrecked the whole place. This is a disaster.”

“Oops. Sorry.”

“Don’t fret. BADGE will rebuild it. Right now we have to get those two back to the station, pronto.”

Justin led Gar out of the Fight Club in a hurry to find Supernatural pinning Strength down to the street with some kind of white energy restraint. The Angelic Avatar said, “this is over. You have proven yourself.”


Supernatural said, “Not this day. The fighting is over.”

Arx landed in front of them, his body emitting a powerful glow. He smiled as he said, “Oh, I think the fight has just begun.” A fleet of those black helicopters buzzed overhead as Arx laughed viciously at his next victims.
