Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: A Hollywood Ending Part 10

 Arx leaned over a sink and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. His silver skin shimmering in the bathroom lights. He rubbed a towel over his cheek and could see his reflection in his reflection.


He stood back and flexed up his arms, admiring his chest through his minimal costume. “Oh, yeah. Still got it. Hollywood will beg me to come back when this is done with. Sex sells in the movies and I’m one hunky hero.” he smiled, his teeth literally flickering in the light.

“Arx!” Delta barked from outside the bathroom.

“That’s my cue.” He gave himself one last smile and then strutted out of the bathroom. Stepping into the laboratory, he found Dr. Osteen hard at work, five mercenaries waiting, and Delta glaring at him. “Hey, why so serious? My mission was a complete success. Two of those… things in one grab.”

Delta said, “you destroyed an entire island. We want as little notice as possible when we do our job. Not only did you draw the attention of everyone there, you decimated our forces. Our extraction teams pulled out more of our people dead than alive. Do you know how much these men cost us? Do you realize how hard it will be to replace them? We still have one avatar left to find and not enough men to do the job.”

“You got hundreds of mercs run’n around.”

“Those are just random mercenaries we hired to distract the heroes and BADGE. Our special operations teams are highly trained and unique. We can’t replace them quickly!”

“Hey, I didn’t have any choice. They were all over us. Those guys fight like animals. Did you see the muscles on that lion dude?”

Delta came dangerously close to Arx. “You got mad because your part was recast, then you lost your temper.”

“It was MY part! I created it. They named it after ME! I have a right to be angry. I…”

“You will do what you’re told!” Delta interrupted him. “We aren’t here to placate your Hollywood ego. You’re an expensive, important experiment to my people and I won’t have you acting up just because you’re worried about your dead movie career.”

Arx pointed a finger at Delta, and the wind in the room moved faster. “Don’t push me around, little man. I crushed an island…” all five mercenaries aimed at him with the anti-Morphon gun.

Delta, without an ounce of fear, said, “Strip.”


“You have an ego problem, time to put that ego in its right place. STRIP!”

“Look, I don’t do nude scenes without…”

Delta reached up, grabbed the thin band of spandex running up Arx’s chest and yanked it back. He pulled out a small knife and cut it. “I SAID STRIP!” The soldiers charged their guns.

Arx begrudgingly removed his outfit, stripping down to nothing but his skin. The whole time, those five mercenaries kept their guns aimed at him. Before he had time to ask anything, Delta told one soldier to strap him down. The man shoved Arx into the experiment station and then put powerful restraints on his arms and legs and one around his waist.

Dr. Osteen pressed a button, and the station turned so that Arx was now laying back. Bright lights glimmered off his shiny body. Delta reached up and held Arx by his face. “You’re nothing but an experiment. Your public hates you and Hollywood has already forgotten you. If you believe you’re anything more than a pitiful excuse of a lab-rat, you’re sadly mistaken. Be thankful, we’re turning you into a powerful man, but understand that power belongs to us. So, shut up and do what you are told.” He yanked his hand away, throwing Arx’s head to the side. “Get me results, Osteen.”

Osteen put on a pair of thick goggles. “This next session is really gonna hurt. Just...don’t scream too loud, I need to pay attention to the sensors.” He flipped a switch, and Arx yelled in agony.


The water sped by as both heroes zoomed toward their destination. Gar glided next to Krystal Fae.

“I wish we could have used a BADGE shuttle, it flies faster than my wings.” Gar said.

Krystal said, “Our enemy seems to find us no matter where we land. So far every BADGE shuttle landing has been ambushed and every time we use teleportation, they find us. Our last option is the simplest, just fly.”

“Do you sense anything?” Gar asked.

Krystal closed her eyes and waited a moment. “Yes. That magical sense is growing. It’s still directly ahead. I’m still uncertain it is the Avatar of Magic, but it’s all I got to go on.”

They flew over Japan and came into a low flight near Kyoto. Soon, they were making circles in the sky, with Gar following Krystal. The locals paused and watched the spectacle.

“What are we doing?” Gar asked.

Krystal said, “that sensation, it is here, but it is blurry. I can’t pin it down.”

Gar looked and then said, “I think I can help.” he flew down and landed on an old garden path.

Krystal followed and found that they were standing before a Torii arch. “Ah, the gateway. Do you think it will let us in?”

“I think so.” Gar stepped up and went through the arch, vanishing as he did.

Krystal followed, and they left Kyoto for the private sanctuary of Lord Dragon and Lady Phoenix. As they walked, they found the plants were slightly overgrown, and some withered. The pristine ponds were covered in layers of fallen foliage. It wasn’t the crisp, clean world they had visited before.

“What happened to the gardens?” Gar asked.

Krystal said, “when Lord Dragon and the others left, this place was abandoned. The servants they had here were magical constructs. When he left, they vanished away. No one is taking care of this place any longer.”

“Sad.” Gar commented.

Krystal was about to say something when she stopped both of them. “However, I don’t think we’re alone. There is someone here, I can feel a presence, a strong presence.”

“Do you know who it is?”

“No. Be on your guard just in case.” Krystal formed orbs of magical energy in her hands, while Gar simply made fists.

They cautiously walked through the gardens and into the main throne room. It was dark and had leaves scattered on the floor, blown in from the interior garden.

“Do you see anyone?” Gar whispered.

Krystal shook her head. “No. But, I feel them.”

Suddenly an old man’s voice spoke, “Do not worry, my friends.”

“Who said that?” Gar turned around twice.

A book lifted from the seat of the throne, magical energy bubbling out of it. “It is I, the Master of Magic. I came here to be safe and taste of the ancient wisdom that permeates the very air of this palace. When I sensed your arrival, I assumed my only disguise. But, I know you, Mr. Gargoyle, and you Krystal Fae.”

Gar asked, “how do you know us?”

“Why, you both have been here and been touched by powerful magic within these walls. I know all about it. Such strange times happened here. It is a sad place now, lonely and in need.”

Krystal said, “I understand, and we can talk all about this later. We need to get you to the Station. They have captured all the other avatars, you are all that remains.”

“Then, by all means, let us retreat to a safer place. Though, the barrier that protects this unique location prevents any sort of teleportation.”

Krystal said, “I know. We have to get you away from here, and then we can find a way to the station. Let’s just hope our enemy hasn’t found us yet, they’re good at what they do.”
