Thursday, June 10, 2021

In the Room with Ricochet

by Chaz Hamilton
Interview With Ricochet (ID 25383)
Hello, loyal Sentinel readers. With League War Birthday Bash arriving in the next few days, I feel lucky to be back with some new insights into our heroes. Watching the battle rounds as the combatants go toe-to-toe, it is easy to get absorbed into the display of talent shown. You know hours of training has gone into each use of power. Precise targeting of a razor-sharp blade. Acrobatic stunts that put the body into unimaginable positions. Mastered control of energy forms that even Mother Nature allows to rage without restraint.

Today, I want to introduce you to a hero that goes into each encounter with little more than hope and a prayer for a positive outcome. A true man of mystery, Ricochet of the Star Force Junior League.

Chaz: Hello, Ric. I'm pleased to meet you. How does it feel to be hanging out with a powerhouse like Highlander?
Ric: Intimidating at first, because of his gruff exterior and his reputation for a short temper. Did you know he has a teddy bear? Ahh … I may regret saying that.

Chaz: Are there any opponents you don't look forward to facing on the battlefield?
Ric: I haven’t been around for long, so .. just glad I don’t have to face the big guy .. or Fiona … or Arcane Ace … actually, there’s quite a few.

Chaz: Fiona, you, and Ace are all on the same team, so unless you get into it in the locker rooms, I think you are going to be safe from them. League War Egg-celsior, the Star Force Junior League earned a silver. Do you think they can do it again?
Ric: Fingers crossed...
Chaz: As a newcomer, how do you feel about the leagues and other competitors in general.  
Ric: I like Star Force as a team, Highlander as an individual. Had always heard he was strong, but never knew how strong … until he showed me. 

Chaz: I think that once you have this league war under your belt, and your 'cherry' is popped, you'll have an opportunity to see more of the other leagues. Just remember, if you stroll past the Avenger/51 rooms, let me know if you see any big red doors anywhere.
Ric: Why is that?
Chaz: It's a rumor I'm working on verifying. Back to you, what was it like when you first discovered you had gained powers?
Ric: Is soiled my knickers an acceptable answer. I really wasn’t ready for it. The first time, it an acquisition of strength. I got angry and slammed my fist on the hood of a car … and knocked the motor loose from its mounts.

Chaz: What kind of accent is it that you have? I can't quite place it.
Ric: I’m from Dublin, Ireland. My accent is kind of a mixture of various ones, one power I acquired for a short time involved lingal … lengu .. linguisticals? I could understand and speak any language. Didn’t last long, but the accents stayed with me.

Chaz: Boxers or Jujitsuists?
Ric: I like briefs, myself. Uhh, wrong answer, huh? I really don’t have an opinion.

Chaz: Just kidding. I find a bit of humor helps to relax most people during their first interview. Now, onto something important.  What is your favorite food?
Ric: I’ve discovered burritos since I came to America.

Chaz: Who doesn't love a good beef, bean, and cheese burrito? The right ingredients put together the right way make all the difference. So, when you were put together, what came together to make you put on a cape? What drives you to being a hero?
Ric: I really don’t feel comfortable … yet. Duncan says it will come, but the drive isn’t here right now.

Chaz: What is your work-out regimen?
Ric: Gardening, I guess. With my power, I don’t know what would be best.

Chaz: You've mentioned that your Morphon power is... not reliable or predictable. How does it work? I've heard different versions, so why don't you clarify it for our readers, please.
Ric: I acquire powers from other folks. Those powers may last for days, hours, minutes or even just a few seconds. for that period of time, I am the equal of any other hero in terms of power. I can be as strong as Highlander, as supercharged as Infinite Tempest , as fast as ... well, as anyone. But I never know for how long.
For example, when we took Highlander out of Star Force HQ, I flew over to Scotland with him. I had his strength long enough to carry him, but my power of flight vanished a couple miles off the coastline and we did a belly plop into the ocean. He's invulnerable and so was I, thankfully.

Chaz: You must have a lot of faith when you go out to fight crime, not having a consistent power to fall on. Have you been on many Patrols so far? Did you discover anything interesting?
Ric: A few. I’ve discovered there are a lot of bad people out there. Not as many as good people, but still too many.

Chaz: There are plenty of good people out there. That's for sure. But it sounds to me that you put yourself out there, like so many other heroes, because of the responsibility placed on your shoulders because of the Morphon gift you have been given. If you could give up your powers, would you?
Ric: In a heartbeat. It’s tough not knowing from what you can do one minute to the next well and what you can’t. Plenty stressful.

There you have it, my loyal readers. Let's wish Ricochet good luck in his premier engagement at League Wars Birthday Bash. If you are a hero who would like to introduce themselves to the world, feel free to contact me, Chaz Hamilton, for an interview for the Sentinel.