Friday, June 25, 2021

RAID Update -- ARX: The Sequel (Part 3)

by Chaz Hamilton

Is it possible that what has enhanced Arx could be too much for our heroes to overcome?

Where the possibility was at first completely inconceivable, (and yes, the word means what I think it means) now the potential for failure is becoming more and more likely. What is causing this shift in likelihood? After League Wars Birthday Bash, invasion by all those mercenaries, and then the search for the Avatars and the power behind the nefarious attacks, are our heroes... tired?

There are currently 321 different heroes trading blows with Arx and the dethroned cinema king is showing little wear and tear after hours of battle.

BADGE scientists and technicians have given me some suggestions for our heroes to apply to their battle techniques.

1) Play to Arx's weaknesses. He has shown a fair amount of vulnerability to magical and psionic damage, but that doesn't mean other forms of attack are useless. Play with your options, such as the Gear you do battle with. Use the battle statistics that BADGE sends to you on your comm units that are tailored to your specific attack output. Find your individual 'sweet spot'. Gear that modifies your damage output, doubling it and tripling it can be extremely useful. Some choose to use damage fields and auras to defeat normal adversaries in Fight Clubs and other Events, but are they helping against Arx? Stack up what works against him and maximize your effort. 

2) You may have storehouses of consumables that can give you a well-deserved boost to your activities. Mercenaries fought earlier this month bore Blue Crystals that enhanced magical damage dealt. Loudeners did the same by enhancing mental damage. Perhaps you have eggs collected by EB or a variety of boons tucked away in birthday cards you can make use of. 
Deliveries of More-Fun bars are scheduled to be in your area again at noon tomorrow. Use up what you can of what you have on hand and resupply your efforts tomorrow when more are available.

3) If you are on the brink of reaching a personal goal, milestone, or objective in your attacks, but lack any resources to recharge, you can, as a last-ditch effort, use a Morphon infusion to fill your batteries. Agents who have been completing Missions and/or the new Patrols have found that there is a supply shed there that allows them to use available Morphons to regain their original strength quickly and easily, but it will diminish your supply on hand. Use this option with caution.

4) Every effort helps. Even the youngest, newest, least experienced hero can help turn the tide with each and every attack. If Arx survives, we all lose. If you can't find the strength to swing at Arx and knock some sense into him for your own sake, do it for the guy or gal standing next to you. Together Everyone Achieves More.

Speaking of everyone achieving more and good, strong teams, let's take a look at who is out there giving Arx the whooping he deserves currently.

Here on Earth from the planet Tusini, if my sources are correct, Sevon of the Avengers51 is out there doing some phenomenal damage to the silver-skinned thug who is destroying Hollywood.

As you can see by this photo, Sevon isn't going to be stopped by anything less than total destruction. He walked out of the flames of a burning building, arm severed from the elbow down, quoting Monty Python. "Tis' but a flesh wound". 

Also wearing his League War Championship belt, Sevon and the rest of his Avengers51 teammates are doing their part to bring this battle to an end. 

Realm Defender, Tri-Blade has been slicing and dicing since the beginning. Using his enchanted blades and special 'Nova Burst' ability, this stalwart hero uses his years of training to combat whatever foe stands opposite him.

While not a native to this dimension, Tri-Blade calls this world home and has proven over and over that he is willing to defend it from those who do wrong.

A member of the 5th Precinct: Omniversal Traffic Cops, he has faced tough opposition before, but in Hollywood, 'defeat' is a four-letter word to him and he will not stand for it.

If Arx doesn't like that fact, he can go stand somewhere else.

Death Mando of the newly formed league, ՇЂЄ รΣ๏ՇՇเรЂ Σɭคץ๓๏ГЄร - STEWARTS!! ▬Ι═══ﺤ, is taking Arx to task. This new league family seeks to build a name for itself, making itself stand out against the multiple incarnations of so many other competitive leagues.

Another villain by nature, Death Mando has repeated taken his best shots at Arx, accumulating a respectable value when calculating the damage dealt. 
Other members of this new league are also joining Death Mando in his attempt to topple the silver-metal-man. They may be Scottish, but there will not be just one of them present when Arx finally drops to the earth and weeps like the tiny, wittle, baby he is.

As we are nearing the half-way point of this battle royal, here are the top fifteen combatants and their latest damage totals as calculated by BADGE scientists:

632,837 Damage: Miðgarðsormr
505,340 Damage: ][☣][ รкєlคภเ๓คl ][☣][
486,286 Damage: skynett
358,586 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla
279,374 Damage: Sevon
268,704 Damage: Zanazola Merlio ZM «₩»
260,635 Damage: ~666~ B$C ♦♞♦
259,565 Damage: ♦ The Gentleman 5¹ ♦
255,826 Damage: ][✡][ The Wizard ][✡][
247,270 Damage: ☠CHAINZ☠
247,147 Damage: ♦ Slayer B.A.S. 5¹ ♦
239,815 Damage: ♦The Avenger 5¹ ♦
233,852 Damage: ♦WHiPs♦
232,577 Damage: ~Lump$um~
227,285 Damage: ][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][

I'm behind you heroes, praying that you succeed. I don't think I could handle reporting the story if Arx manages to thwart you and I have to inform the world that we might be in for a third act involving this joker.