Friday, June 18, 2021

Raid: Mercenary Mayhem!!! Part 2

by Chaz Hamilton

Let's say we have around 1,000 different mercenaries attacking Mental, the Avatar of the Mind, and the other heroes engaged in protecting her. (This is just as an example. We don't have a true count on the mercenary forces at this time.) Now picture this. 750 of the mercenaries now lay defeated on the ground licking their wounds, unconscious, bleeding-out, or just plain dead. 

When the battle is against one certain foe or small group, the overall devastation isn't always as easy to see, but now, with bodies scattered in various states on the war-torn battlefield, it is entirely different. The invading group has suffered much more than our heroes have on this field.

If you didn't gather my meaning implied by the math question, the mercenary group is nearly down by 75% of their original strength. Our heroes are boldly doing their jobs once more.

Did these mercenaries know what they signed up for? Who paid them to come out and lay their lives down for an unknown cause? Did they sign up for death benefits for their loved ones who are left behind? Where will the survivors be held while facing charges for their acts of aggression? 

Looking out at this carnage is a nightmare. Logistically, cleaning it up and dealing with the ramifications of the battle even more so.

Our heroes have been fighting diligently for over a day since the call went out for aid by Director Nova. The weapons they brought to the field is a variety of technology, some low-tech options like archaic daggers and bladed weapons up to elaborate high-tech rifles and headgear. I have to wonder if any of the heroes will scavenge the theater of death and act as carrion birds, feasting after the fallen. Who can blame them? It isn't like they get a huge paycheck from their private jobs as nurses,  welders, and My FacePages Game Designers.

I didn't include a top listing last go around as it was so early in the endeavor. By current standards calculated by BADGE scientists, here is the current projection of effectiveness of effort by our top heroes.

646,536 Damage: Miðgarðsormr
615,466 Damage: ♦ The Gentleman 5¹ ♦
544,080 Damage: ♦ Magnificent punlork♦
350,770 Damage: ~666~GhOsTfAcEKiLla
288,492 Damage: Zanazola Merlio ZM «₩»
284,757 Damage: ♦The Avenger 5¹ ♦
281,532 Damage: ][☣][ Hot Wings ][☣][
270,946 Damage: ][✡][ The Wizard ][✡][
260,011 Damage: ♦S♦U♦P♦E♦R♦5¹♦R♦A♦K♦L♦Y♦
243,124 Damage: ~Lump$um~
225,761 Damage: ~666~ B$C ♦♞♦
217,584 Damage: ][☣][ §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][☣][
