Thursday, June 17, 2021


by Highlander (Old Photo)

ID#: 21107

The Mercenaries were barely holding their own in most skirmishes, losing ground in others. A phalanx spearheaded by the Omniversal Traffic Cops, and directed by Legionnaire Solomon was pushing a large contingent of Mercs backward when reinforcements solidified the merc line and stalled, briefly Solomon’s push. Then an attack came on the mercs’ left flank that took the attention away from Solomon’s phalanx.

A squad of lesser-known heroes, following the leads of Arcane Ace, Infinite Tempest, Wyldfyre, Highlander and Ricochet charged the mercenaries’ flank and with hammer-like blows from Highlander clearing a path, the quintet and their troops drove a wedge into the reinforcements’ body of troops. With Ace throwing magic spells to and fro, and Ricochet echoing whatever powers he could appropriate from those near him, Wyldfyre and Tempest could wield their figurative muscle unimpeded.

The flanking maneuver was sufficient. With the opposition now lacking support, Solomon’s Traffic Cops and associates were at a fair trot now, pushing the Mercs back further and further. Kid Chaos felt the Mercs were targeting him and Macaia’s Daughter until she let him know that many of the Mercs they were fending off were being thrown in their direction by Highlander, who, as par for the course, was just randomly clearing the way without regard for where his victims were going as he dispatched them.

The soon came to an end, though, when an energy blast caught the big man and forced his to his knees, necessitating a rescue mission by Jack Sparrow, as he latched onto the Scottish Giant and moved him aside as best he could.