Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Raid Update -- Arx: The Sequel

by Chaz Hamilton

Very rarely, moviegoers will find a sequel that lives up to the hype of the original. Today is no different. Arx 2.0 is bigger, bolder, more powerful that before, but we've seen it. We know how this is going to end. The only person who thinks that there will be a different result than last time is, well Arx. And every sane person knows that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing as before and expecting different results.

Rotten Tomatoes has already given this entire production a whopping 0% fresh. 

Now, the disdain I profess toward this repeated presentation of metal muscles with no-brains behind them doesn't mean that there isn't a threat to people in the Hollywood area. Of course there is a desperate need for help here from BADGE. With a bit of rebranding, the attention here should be taken off the overdone antics of an actor past his prime and shone onto brave, new heroes who are in full lights, camera, and action mode. Let's see who are the true stars of this story.

First off, I see fellow Sentinel staffer and BADGE scientist, Krystal Fae battling against Arx. Dressed for battle, wielding magical might and technological savvy, she is doing her best to take the center stage away from Arx. While he is out to destroy and spread his rage and anger, she is saving people from wanton destruction. Young, old, it doesn't matter. She is there fighting for all of the right reasons.

Now her current look might not be the fashionable outfit she wore a few seasons ago at League War Haunted Heroes, it does look serviceable and easy to wash the blood of mercenaries and overwrought, Morphon-laden ex-actors out of. Let's give her 7 out of 10 stars.

  One of the highest ranking pugilists on the field, ☠CHAINZ☠ has been throwing punches at Arx like Rocky at a side of beef. And look at that body. Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson can eat his heart out. This Avengers51 member is not only fast and furious, but he knows how to wear broken manacles and sunglasses.

On the red carpet, and by red carpet I mean the bloodstained streets of Hollywood, this hero is out to show off his League War Stellar Battle Championship Belt.

While many of the blows thrown by heroes make the already shaky California landscape shimmy, CHAINZ blows shatter windows and set of car alarms in a three block radius.

Not everyone on the field of battle vs Arx is a tried and true purebreed do-gooder. SORROW, a self-proclaimed "Psycho Bitch from Hell" is trading attacks with Arx. Not one of the most-powerful or well-known individuals on the field, she has been making waves, fighting to get everything that she wants to see in the world. 

It is unclear if her companion is fighting alongside of her or is just there as a Hollywood fashion statement, similar to how Paris Hilton's pet Chihuahua was back in the day. One can only hope SORROW is a better pet parent that the former reality star.

Is SORROW fighting because she is just that mad, or are the rumors that the Tinsel-town paparazzi is spreading around true. Did she and Arx have a relationship earlier this year? It would explain her desperate desire to see his reproductive appendages strewn across the remains of the Hollywood sign.

Either way, she fully intends on finding some joy in thrashing Arx's ass.

The battle is only getting started. Our noble heroes are going to be working long and hard to bring down this over-charged threat and give him the true role he deserves as life-long prisoner in a dark room with no hope of parole. 

I'll be back later to continue the reporting on the scene here in Hollywood. Chaz Hamilton, BADGE's official reporter signing off. 
