Friday, June 18, 2021

(The slightly less) SuperActionSports League Wars Summary Pt 1

"Yes that's right guys, JayC and Rob Jnr are here, coming to you from our home from home,"

"Its not that orbiting BADGE deathtrap Jay ... no its our very own personal studio."

"Now,as you may have heard, we have had a few issues with the network, and SuperActionSports may not be showing up on your regular tv schedules, but that wont stop us will it Rob!"

"Not while we still have access to your moms wifi! Jay! Now I think that BADGE may have been putting pressure on the network ... we did receive a few complaints regarding our treatment of Nova in particular."

"Im with you Robbo, can't be anything to do with d'Anthony at the closing ceremony for last league wars, or Dom Ralyk's recent spate of paternity cases, and its definitely not our fault, despite the allegations of bias and inappropriate behaviour."

"Can you believe that we were denied passes to the space station for the Birthday Bash league wars? But it's ok we've watched every fight from every round, and we managed to get our roving reporter in."

"I thought Mimsy was now captain of the Purple Onion?"

"Yes and that's why we had to replace her, so we can now introduce our newest unpaid member of the team ... the lovely Fran Queenie!"

"Fran how was your first league wars?"

"Guys it's been unreal, I've managed to meet most of the key team players, hang out with the BADGE organisers and see all the action live. This Fox Sports pass has paid off, its great to be part of such a well recognised and respected organisation, and the rest of the Fox team have been lovely, although a lot of the drinks they've offered me tasted a little odd."

"Lets just ignore the affiliation .. that pass may have been "borrrowed" and its best to stay quiet until you've got the shuttle back to earth"

"So I'm not working for Fox?"

"Not exactly."

"So I didnt have to suck ... tell you what lets just get to my reports"

"What you got for us Fran?"

"Well we saw the AV51 team in D3 take a comfortable win and I got to meet the team captain PhantomAmongPhantoms and got an exclusive post wars interview ...."

"Phantom, your team just claimed the D3 title, it looked a bit one sided for most of your matches, were you ever worried?"

"One sided? Fran there were two teams in every round, I counted them."

"I mean it didn't look like you struggled to win."

"Oh right, yeah, erm, it's all about the planning. We had a great team put together and placed just right in the divisional breakdown. we still had to fight though. That Starmaster was the toughest guy i came up in the whole wars, and Krystal kept telling me I wouldnt hit a pregnant woman. She was right I wouldnt, but Whips told me it was ok to shoot them above the bump or kick them straight in the head so ..."

"This was your eighth league war and your eighth championship, how does that feel?"

"Heavy, I mean have you tried wearing 8 belts at once? I feel its rude to just wear one, I mean look at the design. the craftsmenship, works of art every single one. If I ever get to meet the guy who came up with these I'd just ask him if he could keep the weight down."

"And how was your first time as captain?"

"Well when Rakly said he could do with someone to take the helm I jumped at it, he told me the team roster and the opportunity to head up such a group was amazing. I got to have snacks with Final Judgement, compare scars with Anomaly and maintain a knife and half distance from Starscream at all times. I was able to bask in Punlork's magnificence and hear El Pato share words of slightly weird wisdom. I took lessons in the timing of seizing the moment from Ultra Instinct and I got to hang out with Whips, now sometimes I couldnt tell if the beatings she was talking about were from the rounds or after them, but she seemed happy about them, and she seemed to enjoy hanging out in the Purple Onion locker rooms a lot. Strangely I also saw that Chainz over there. and Sadist, and ... sorry I'm rambling ... essentially Fran I just get to take all the credit for the hardwork of a great group, and the guys behind the scenes at AV51 who do all the math stuff."

"And how will you be celebrating?"

"Well I did promise Krystal I'd get the first round, so after we've had a glass of something non-alcoholic I'll be having a pint with the Legacy of Spawn guys, that's the first eight proper drinks down, then its back to the A51 locker rooms for some shots, then we have the official Birthday Bash after party, and i have a keg for the shuttle back to earth, then its Avenger Towers to kick back with a well earned drink."

"And your plans after that? Do you start preparing for the next wars?"

"Well to be fair Fran I have got a busy schedule, there's the issue with Bluey I really need to resolve, my fiancee is still awol, and you can bet BADGE will try and rope me into something. Ill probably think about next wars in about 3 months ... sorry Fran I gotta go, something about some mercs, and if we handle it quickly Nova will put more money behind the bar ....." *blink*

"That was PhantomAmongPhantoms, hard fighter, harder drinker."

"That was great Fran, thanks, we are going to be back with you later, but we have to take a short break now, Jay's mom needs to do laundry and the washer makes a right noise."
